Part 12. "I have a glimmer of hope,"

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You find yourself holding your phone, a nervous knot in your stomach as you research.

The only person who knew Mark well was that scientist... Didn't he say she was a psychologist?

Wait, Y/N, what are you thinking? Isn't she the one who did all of this to Mark?

"No time, no time," you mutter and dial her number. It rings a little bit and then she answers,

"Hello, Y/N! Glad to see you called me!" You could tell she was in a lab of some sort, as sporadic beeping was in the background.

"How did you get my number..?" You ask, worried and slightly scared.

"Caller ID," She said in a neutral voice, "Anyways, what can I help you with, I'm very busy at the moment." You hear a small pop in the background and hear the mad scientist yell, "JAMISON I TOLD YOU IF YOU MESS THINGS UP IM GOING TO KICK YOUR ASS..."

"Oh, I'm calling because Mark told me you have a PhD in Psychology and I was wondering if you could do therapy with him. He seems depressed." You sigh, looking on the floor as you tap your fingers on the bed.

"Ah, Yes. I can be over in 10 minutes! I just need to get this rat and pig out of my lab, they seem to be causing trouble." She chuckles, "I'll see you in ten!" She holds on the phone for a few seconds more before an explosion is heard and oinking and squeaking is rather loud. "I SWEAR TO THE HEAVENS IF THERE ARE ANY. MAKO AND JAMISON GET BACK INTO YOUR ROOMS RIGHT NOW OR SO HELP ME-" The call ended.

You sat on the edge of the bed staring at your phone. 'This scientist is absolutely insane' you think to yourself. 'Why should I even trust her?'

Exactly 10 minutes later

A knock at the front door was heard and you shot up from your thinking spot. You walked across the house to the front door to find Dr. Aleman smiling face. "Hello again, Y/D! Wonderful to see you're doing well!" She smiled and shook your hand.

"To you too, Doctor. Mark is in his room, second door on the left, he doesn't come out with my voice but maybe he'll listen to yours." You sigh, she nods and steps past you. You smell a burnt smell and you notice that some of her hair is fried, you know if you'd ask about she'd just say, 'Science has its sacrifices.'

You watch as she knocks on Marks door and you stand close enough to where you can hear their conversation.

"Mark, its me, Dr. Aleman. I came to check up on your after the cloning, may I come in?" You hear a light grunt and she opens the door and leaves it a crack open so you can hear whats going on.

"Now tell me Mark, have you been experiencing any emotional difficulties?"

"I've been feeling sad an awful lot. I feel like I'm empty and have no purpose, really."

"And why do you think that is?"

"Well, I think its because I'm lonely. When Dark and I were still the same person, I had Y/N to hold. Now I'm alone, and I feel like the only reason I'm actually alive is because I have a glimmer of hope I'll find someone."

"Hmm, are you saying you've considered suicide before?"

"Yes, multiple times, but I always say, 'Mark, whats the point? Maybe the girl of your dreams is right in front of you,' and I stop myself."

"I see. Will you excuse me for a second?" She got up and walked out of the room, she lightly put her hand on your back, signifying you to follow her. You followed her into the front room, where mark couldn't hear you talk.
"Y/N, I'm sorry to say but he is severally depressed. The thing he needs is support. You need to force him out of this dark place and show him the light. He seems to be lonely, as in his words, so maybe try and hook him up with someone as well! Maybe introduce him to someone he knows for a while or a stranger you think will click with him." She smiled as you nodded,

This was your duty now.

Dr. Aleman shook your hand and went back and hugged Mark to show she was there for him. She left with a wave, and you thanked her for everything.

It was a while until Dark got back from work... Maybe you and Mark should talk for a little bit about what he wants in a girl, then you could start getting ideas.

Your favorite Mad Scientist is back! (speaking of which I'm in Ap Bio class rn oops)

How are you going to help Mark find his dream girl?

Find out in the next chapter! Comment your thoughts and don't forget to vote! :)

Also thanks for the mad support on this book, I really appreciate it!!

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