Chapter 15 - Cookie Crumbs and Flashbacks

Start from the beginning

I stare in awe as I watch Mr. Patton assemble the storage metal object. I watch him plug it into an outlet on the wall, and I watch as Mr. Patton starts looking around for something.

Suddenly, Mr. Patton starts walking over to where Toby and I are hiding. "There must be a bowl around here somewhere." Mr. Patton starts looking through the many boxes next to us.

Mr. Patton then looks at Toby and I. He jumps.

"Y/N! I mean... How did you get in here, kiddo?" He asks frantically.

"Mr. Patton, what are you doing?" I ask.

Mr. Patton looks around the room and continues to act strangely, then he looks back at me and sighs.

"I'm working on a surprise for you. I wanted to get everyone together, and have a day where we all baked cookies. I then had the idea of getting a candy floss machine (A/N: candy floss is cotton candy because it looks like strings of sugar floss). I was planning this day for a while, and I was going to test out the candy floss machine so I'd know if it worked or not. I wanted this day to be perfect, but..." Mr. Patton hesitates. He then picks me up and we sit down on the bed. Toby sits on the floor next to us.

"Ever since Thomas has been alive, we have been alive. Virgil, Roman, Logan, and I have always been parts of Thomas's personality. We always wanted was was best for Thomas, but, Virgil was always an outcast. We weren't always a family. Heck, we didn't even know each other's real names up until a few months ago. But, nonetheless, I watched as Roman, and sometimes Logan, would treat Virgil poorly. I never liked it, and for the longest time, I would just stand there and watch. I was friends with Roman and Logan, so I thought I would hurt their feelings by helping Virgil. I would later learn that Logan didn't care about feelings, and that Roman also didn't mind, as long as we never got too close." Mr. Patton says. He continues.

~flashback, 1996 (Thomas is seven years old) Patton POV~

(A/N:All flashback text is in italics, and Patton talking in present day is in normal text without quotes)

"Come on, do you always have to be so down? You're such a loser! Why does Thomas need you? You don't do anything to help him! Go away!" Roman said.

I sat there watching. Roman was spouting insults at Virgil for making Thomas back out of a dangerous dare.

"Roman, I do not think that those rude comments are necessary." Logan replied.

"Of course they are! This guy doesn't want Thomas to do anything fun! He just makes Thomas chicken out, and then claims to be 'protecting' Thomas! It's annoying! Let Thomas do his own thing, and stay out of our way! You were never going to be one of us anyway, so stop trying!" Roman storms off with Logan trailing behind in an attempt to calm him down.

I watched the whole thing unfold. I saw Virgil put the hood on his old hoodie over his head. I saw him hug his knees.

I saw him cry.

And in all honesty, I was crying, too, and none of those insults were directed at me. I don't think Roman or Logan even knew I was watching.

I regret not stepping in to help sooner, but one thing I do not regret a bit is the fact that I stepped in. I didn't care what anyone thought, I wanted to make Virgil feel happy.

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