Sirisha was bored at home.Her cousins went for some educational.Trip for three days.She was left alone.Nishi aunty was blessing.To deal with.No nagging with clothes she wear.Food or her life style.Sirisha wished she could stay.There forever.back home was altogether.A mess for her.

Its more than a week.She came here.Bella came to her place.For quite times.Showing her around.She met her other friends too.Been a day or two.Bella was out of contact.She had boyfriend.Who kept her busy.Sirisha wished she would.Have some exciting stuff.To look forward in life.

S-"I am going to leave.In few days.You busy girl.Stop sticking to your boyfriend.

Spend some time with me.Bella.Iam bored."

Bella had some exciting plans for.Night and Sirisha wasnt aware of it.At night Bella came to pick her.She informed Nishi aunty she.Will be staying at her friend's place.For night.

Sirisha and Bella in no time.Reached pub.Where Bella already called.Out her friends.Sirisha checked out place.And people impressed by them.She patted Bella's back.As both friends gave sly grin.

B-"Siri darling.Enjoy your life.For one night.

Can bet.Your father and Grandmother must be.Planning your wedding.Already.Dont wish to die virgin."

Sirisha made face.Laughed along with her.Both girls got inside.Meeting others.Sirisha knew Jatin.Bella's boyfriend from before.he was from Hyderabad.Others from group.Had few girls and guys.

B-"Siri.See if you find.Someone hot.Enough.

Can carry back to India."

S-"You wish.Thanks Bella.

Before I leave.I needed this."

Sirisha was fond of dancing.Loud music made her sway to tunes.Automatically.She was dressed looking smoking hot.Guys were having eyes at her.The group went to dance floor.Hitting the place.Having great time.

Vicky sat at one of corners.Of pub.Enjoying a drink.He loved loud music.His feet tapped on floor.Going with beats.Nothing could stop him.From partying hard.This place was his favorite.Unlike this time.Something which pissed him off.Marriage was turn out for people.Didnt he believed already.Randhir tied knot few days ago.Tomorrow when they all will be leaving.He couldnt make it.To come here and party with his friends.Reason was loving wife.

He was angry and.Disappointed.With his friend.Why do people.Fall prey in hands of commitment.He was having drink.One after another.When eyes fell on group of girls.Dan one of his friends.Came to him.Asking for drink.He looked at Vicky.

He looked at Vicky

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D-"Dude.Keep your eyes safe.The number of girls.

Who have been hounding us.After you left.Ask as about troubles."

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