I steadied myself and took a drink for my water bottle, to allow what I said to sink in.

"I'm sure many of you have a lot of questions, while others think I'm completely out of my mind. But I assure you, it's true. When we break down all the thee's and thou's, and strip away the old laws, it really comes down to sex being an expression of who we are and how we love. .... Oh, and there's going to be a quiz later on how many times I say love and sex. Is anyone keeping count? No, okay moving on."

Over the years I've found that a little humor goes a long way. Most of the people gathered have started to relax, which makes my job so much easier. I'm not a comedian, in any way! But humor isn't always a big joke.

"Now I'm not saying that everyone should go out and sleep with whoever they want and to heck with the consequences. Not. At. All. I'm saying that by denying our sexual nature, we limit ourselves to finding true love. Those who say that sex is only for the purpose of procreation, has never really spent time reading the Bible, (while trying to understand the context, of course). There are countless instances that portray sexual intimacy as a good thing. Exploring that bond is essential to a strong relationship. Whether it's within marriage or not. Obviously we believe that marriage should be the goal, and a healthy sex life can lead to a lifetime of happiness, fulfillment, and love."

I needed more water. As much as I enjoyed teaching this lesson, it always dug my hole a little deeper.

"Too often during our camps I hear married couples say that their sex life has completely ceased, or fizled out, and it pains me to know that their bond has been damaged. But we're here to help. We want to make sure that everyone leaves here with a renewed hunger for their partners. It doesn't matter how old you are, or your level of experience. Having a deep understanding of intimacy can heighten your relationships."

A few people start clapping, which leads to more. After a moment, the whole crowd is on their feet. My heart swells and I can't help but hold back tears. I smile and signal everyone to take their seats.

"I hope all of you have signed up for your classes for the week. We have four weeks here, and the first is the hardest. Our counseling sessions are mandatory, but with multiple counselors, you'll always find one available. We want to make sure you're on the right path to successful relationships. If you have any questions about your choice of classes, or just need general information, our counselors are there for you. Utilize their knowledge, otherwise they'll get bored.

"Now, a few short announcements. As most of you know our dining schedule has changed a bit. We've taken the extra step to make everyone comfortable and are offering open meal times. Breakfast if from 7am-9am, lunch is from 12pm-2pm, and dinner is from 7pm-9pm. With healthy snacks available between lunch and dinner. Please amend this in your binders. We even have a dessert station during dinner! We're so happy to have all of you here, and I look forward to meeting all of you. Now please go, and have some fun before lunch."

As the crowd began to dissipate and I stepped down from the podium, I caught a glimpse of pure handsomeness. Eli was sitting in the back, staring at me. My heart jumped into my throat, I had to stop and breathe before I passed out.

Slowly he stood and headed in my direction. I was frozen, I couldn't move my feet if I tried. What was this man doing to me?

He greeted me with a 'hey' and a killer smile.

"Hello Eli, I see you decided to join us. What did you think of our first class?"

"Meh, I could've done without the Bible talk, but the sex stuff was good."

Ugh! Why do I have to be attracted to him? In ten years I've been around thousands of men, and nothing. Now I meet Eli and he disrespects my faith!

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