Chapter One. Getting Along

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Naiswell Central School.

This is where everything began. This is a place that I treasure so much because of the memories it kept. It all started during our elementary years. When every child is just too innocent to know the happenings in this world. When children would just happily play at the schoolgrounds never minding the stains in their uniforms; mindless of the schoolworks. Just pure happiness, nothing more.

In this school, you can enroll yourself in any section you wanted. By the end of the school year, your grades will determine what section you will be in for the next year. It just happened that I was enrolled at the third section when I was in my first grade and well, at the end of the year my grades made it to the top section so I had to change classes. A change that brought many new experiences that until now I always remember.

Changing classes was never an easy thing to do. Because I was the only one from my previous section who transferred, it's hard to socialize with new people considering that they've known themselves for a year now plus I'm a little socially awkward, you know. I had some acquaintances during my preparatory years so that made everything less worrisome. Still, making friends with all these new faces is a challenge.

However, with the fact that my parents were all teachers in this school, I'm quite known or should I say familiar to these people. So, not long after, I made friends. Actually, almost all of them including Jill Evans. She's a kind, smart girl that made us clicked since we belong in the same category including our interests and hobbies. Another one is Charlotte Baker, a pretty, slender, morena girl that is just so sweet.

And then, there was him. Justin Davidson. A small boy who usually sit at the front corner. He's just petite, maybe because we're just children after all. He's popular in our grade level since he's so smart, always battling for the top rank in the class and always represent the school in many competitions. Aside from that, he has this personality that you would really love. You would think that a smart boy should only be lurking at the corner with his pen and books but no. Justin is so bubbly, so cheerful that he never ran out of jokes. When you're with him, expect that the environment would always feel bright and delighted. It's very rare to see both characteristics in a person, you would think that this kind does not exist but I know someone. And that is Justin.

I never became close with Justin until the day when our teachers decided to choose me to be included in a team that would represent the school in a competition. I was just so blessed to belong in a team like this. A team of students who were the bests in the field of English, including Reading, Language, Literature and more. And that team includes Justin and another boy named Ken Blair. Little did I know that that was the start of a growing friendship among the three of us.

Aside from my usual best of friends whom I share random stories with and snack buddies, Justin and Ken had also been my companions once in a while. Unlike Justin, Ken has a bit of the attitude like being too proud of himself. Ken is smart too but is too noisy inside the class so he became the favorite of the teachers to scold. Nonetheless, we still got along since I became used to this personality of him.

Every afternoon, I, together with the two boys remained in the classroom for our practice in preparation for the upcoming competition. And just like any other practices, ours didn't always end up done seriously. Most of the time would be spent sharing silly stories, childish games and ridiculous jokes.

The three of us became closer as time passed by. I'll always fight with Ken but I admit I was more open when I'm with Justin. Yes, I'm closer to Justin than with Ken. Not to mention that my parents and Justin's are the closest friends since they were working in the same field. But the two boys were each other's bestfriend.

In every competition, we would share our victory together. Everything went well with them for the remaining months of the school year and we're up to more moments together for the coming years.

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