Chapter Five. Jackie and Bugoy

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Back then, I was dubbed as the secretary of everyone. With my beautiful handwriting, my classmates used to nominate me as the secretary so I ended up like this every year.

My adviser gave me a task to write some visual aids to be used the following day. My other classmates already went home while some were still cleaning their respective territories. Minutes passed and there were only two bags left in the room aside from my teacher's and mine.

Justin went inside the room after doing his chores. I continued writing pretending that I didn't see him.

The story of Jackie and Bugoy was popular during those times. Two lovers from the television who made the society crazy with their story.

"Aren't you leaving yet, Justin?" Mrs. Stella, our adviser asked Justin. Justin now is standing in front of me carrying his backpack on his shoulders.

"No, Ma'am. I'm still waiting for my Jackie," he said immitating Bugoy and his moves.

The other student who heard the conversation let out a laugh teasing me and Justin.

Justin and his little moves continued for the entire year. There are times when we were brought to other places for a competition. We got to spend a couple of days and nights at the venue with the other teachers and students. Justin then never let a second passed without him teasing me, following me.

You know what? I don't know now how to act around him. I'm afraid of the consequences. I'm afraid I might just be one of his pawns in his chess game.

However, I shrugged everything off. Even though I wanted to, I ignored everything and remained friends with Justin until the end of the year.

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