"People lie all the time.

Some of them do not even notice that they are doing it.

Take for instance this one girl in my school, Michelle. I changed her name so as to protect her identity, but in truth I would really not care if you find out who she is. She keeps pretending to be this perfect little Princess and everyone adores her, while secretly she is nothing but a liar.

She lies all the time and she stabs people in the back.

Everyone hates her but they are too afraid to say it to her face.

She has a whole army that surrounds her and they do all of her dirty work for her, while she stands by idly like a queen giving her orders."

While I read my eyes caught sight of Skye in the back of the class. He was busy writing his essay. He looked up at me, almost as if though he felt that I was looking at him. There was a black and blue bruise that completely covered his right eye and his lip was busted.

"Maybe she was taught to lie by her parents.

I don't know if that type of thing can be genetically passed down.

I wonder."

I was right when I told Skye that Goliath would wait for him until he got back home. Saturday night I met up with Skylar after he told me that Natasha and he were officially an item. We hardly said anything as we walked into the house.

Goliath was waiting for us in the shadows of the sitting room. My mother was passed out on my sofa bed. Even if she woke up she would not do anything to stop him. The second we walked into the sitting room Goliath was in front of Skye. He shoved his shoulder rather aggressively.

"What do you want?" Skye asked Goliath. Goliath had this sly grin on his face that clearly made Skye uncomfortable. He swallowed and backed up.

"You thought you could get away with treating me like a dog, did you?" Goliath held on to Skye's arm and pulled hard. Skye squirmed out of his hold. There was fear in his eyes and sweat running down his forehead.

"Leave me alone"

Skye shoved past Goliath and walked towards his room which was in the Garage.

"Yeah right. You are the one who needs to work on his attitude. What gives you the right to treat us the way that you treat us?" I tried to walk passed him so that I could go into the Garage with Skye, but he grabbed my arm and dragged me towards the wall. He held his other hand over my mouth so that I could not call out. Goliath knew exactly how to get a reaction out of Skye and that was to hurt me. He half threw me against the wall and his hand left my mouth. He used both his hands to press me against the wall.

I was petrified in that moment. Fear overwhelmed me. He had slapped us around a few times, but the look he had in his eyes on Saturday night was different than all the other times. It reminded me of Ray, he had that same expression on his face when he took everything from me.

I was more stunned than anything else when Goliath kissed me. I bit him and yelled as loudly as I could. I was sure the neighbors could hear but I doubted that they would interfere.


He kissed me again and I struggled against his hold. Skye came running into the room and slammed Goliath over the head with one of my old Tennis rackets. I just stood there. I had this urge to throw up. I spit and coughed to try and get the taste out of my mouth. It was a mixture of alcohol, cigarettes and stale food. It was nauseating.

Every time I think about it I want to throw up. Skye attempted to fight him off, but even drunk Goliath was stronger and bigger. There was no way that he could stop Goliath. Goliath just kept kicking him and hitting him. I had to watch helplessly as my brother was hurt once again trying to protect me.

"Sometimes I wish that I did not exist, but I know that wishing that won't help. It will only make things allot worse. Wishing only gets you so far. There are not enough shooting stars in the world to take away all my problems.

I will understand if you throw this letter away.

I just figured that maybe you did not want to exist sometimes and that sometimes you have moments where you felt infinite and maybe you have been both happy and sad at the same time; that you would somehow understand what it feels like to be betrayed.

Yours Truly

McKenzie Prince"

I swallowed as I finished reading the letter. I went to go sit next to Skye. He gave me a small smile that did not reach his eyes. As he bent over his notepad I could see more bruises that he attempted to cover up along the back of his neck.

How much longer can we survive like this?

Everyone was eerily quiet once I finished reading. I did not mean to humiliate everyone with the letter. I just wanted to tell the truth.

The look Ashley and Christina gave me looked like they wanted to kill me.

No doubt they would retaliate. 


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