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I stared at my phone a couple seconds longer "Guys. We need to stop the song creating or whatever right now, and go home. We need to figure this out." I stood up grabbing my stuff getting ready to go.

"But you haven't seen your studio yet." Jimin pouted walking over to me.

"But we need to hurry. And what? I have a studio?" I questioned it because I haven't been here very long. When I had been accepted they must've made it for me.

"Yeah, of course, you do. You need somewhere to get away from us and write some more music." I nodded as Taehyung spoke. I'm still a little shaken up by what A.R.M.Y. will think of me. All I know of is that I need something to say to my friends that are currently blowing up my phone wondering if the person in the picture was me. I don't look like a Korean, I look like an American mostly; plus I'm like a chocolate milkshake color, brown, smooth, and milky.

I followed Tae and Jimin to where my studio was. It was at the very end of the hall. The two guys stood beside the door frame waiting for me to open the door myself. I put my hand on the cold silver door handle and pushed it down and pushed the not fully transparent white door. It was cute. A big black desk with a desktop, a nice keyboard, a nice mouse and a nice desk chair. Obviously, I will be spending a lot of my time here. I set my coat and phone on the loveseat against the wall.

"Thanks, guys." I turned around and smiled at them and walked over to them and gave them both hugs. They hugged me back, I felt great in their arms.

This is when I realized I have a chance here. With them. My family. Brothers.

I pulled away a couple seconds later trying not to seem very clingy.

Jimin picked up my stuff. "Oh, you don't have to pick up my stuff. I can carry it." I smiled at him as he handed me my things as my phone was still buzzing. My Notifications kept switching between iMessage, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, and people trying to call me.

"Let's get home then. We need to figure this out." we rushed out the door with me behind, closing my new studio, where I would spend many hours on end in.

Walking out, I found the other five boys looking out the window. I tried to peek but they stopped me from putting my head anywhere near the window. A crowd of A.R.M.Y. How are we going to leave now? The boys were waving at the fans and I sat back waiting for three minutes until I talked.

"Call the car to the back of the building. We will get in there." I started walking away towards the exit door of the studio.

"Already ahead of you. It's already in the back. Be careful. If you get questioned, just say that you're a new trainee for a new band." I nodded as Hobi talked. He took off his black cap and ran over to a cupboard and grabbed a mask to cover me up. I put on his hat and the disposable cotton mask.

"We're going to keep them distracted. Go. We will be down there once you text us and you're in there for sure." I nodded and started out the door not prepared for whatever could happen next. Walking down the hall to the elevator I finally pulled out my phone and called back the most important person that could've called me. My nana. She hated when I didn't pick up my phone and it's so late and I don't understand why my family and friends are even up that late when they have jobs and school to go to.

"Hey Nana, How's auntie Kami and the kids?" I started off with the basic questions until she cut in with: "So I heard you're in a big band." I could tell she was getting excited. I rolled my eyes and pressed myself against the familiar elevator walls.

"Look Nana; I am. But you can't tell anyone. The world will know next week. We're announcing it on live television."

"Oh!?" my great grandma was probably thinking it was going to be on one of her local news channels.

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