After a while, Megan and I knew we needed to do more. Not enough information was exchanged during the meetings. We weren't helping people as much as just being an ear (which is extremely important too). We knew that doing classes based on specific issues would be much more beneficial. After a few years we started looking into camp grounds that offered cabins and meeting spaces, this way everyone would get as much information as we could dish out.

It started as a two week retreat, but as more questions were raised, more classes were needed. Finally we formed the camp you know today. A month long instructional camp, that delves into topics most churches won't touch.

I'm very happy to say that after five years, C.S. Camp now travels to camp grounds all over the U.S. and houses roughly 200 guests per session.

We make sure to offer camps during optimal weather. Summers are in the Midwest, Spring is on the East Coast, Fall is in the West, and Winter is on the West Coast. Making the month stay as comfortable as possible.

We encourage everyone to attend our camps! This is not just for virgins, we do extensive training for married couples, and sexually active singles. Everyone can benefit from our classes.

Thank you!

C. S. Camp Rules

1) No judging! No condemning! No bullying! This is a safe place! Laughing at someone with an honest question or with rude remarks about a fellow guest, will result in immediate action on our part, and often removal from the camp. In short, follow the Golden Rule, 'treat others the way you would want to be treated'.

2) Monogamy! This is not the place to have an affair! If you're married, you will only be with your partner. This also goes for anyone contemplating using this camp to find an easy hook-up. Only those that are serious about learning how to cherish their current or future partner will be welcome.

3) No sex in the open! Don't do it. Seriously! Every camp ground we contract with has individual housing, and dorms. We don't need to see you practicing any new found 'skills'.

4) Stay on camp grounds. Leaving to find a hotel room, or bar, just negates all of our hard work. Even the staff follow this rule, unless there's an emergency, of course.

5) No smoking or drinking. This can be extremely difficult for many of our guests, we understand that. But we need everyone sober for classes, hangovers do not help you or your partner.

6) Respect! Respect your fellow campers, respect the counselors and teachers. Respect boundaries! If someone says no or stop, respect their wishes and stop! If anyone has forced themselves on anyone else, local authorities will be contacted. Respect also entails being committed to each other. If you're here with a partner, listen to them and pay attention in classes. Pray together. Remember respect is only earned when given!

If anyone has any questions about the rules, please let us know. They'll be posted throughout the camp.

Camp Amenities

Pool (with lifegaurd)
Lake (swimming, fishing, etc)
Beach (on the lake)
Recreational Center
- climbing wall
- billiards
- arcade
- more
Fitness Center
Basketball and Tennis Courts
Batting Cages
and more!

Groups and Classes

Ages 18-20 Virgins
Ages 18-20 Active
Virgins Over 21
Single/Active Over 21

Any questions about which group you belong in, ask a counselor.

Some classes will be for only one group, but most are open to others.

There are very few mandatory classes, one for everyone, and one for each group. Whereas the virgin groups have several.

Married couples have individual cabins, the rest are sorted by gender. If you're LGBTQ, know that we will work with your needs, just be sure to talk to one of the counselors in order to assign appropriate accommodations.

This binder has information about classes offered, be sure to pay close attention to times and locations for the classes that you're interested in. We do ask that everyone choose at least three a day. This is what you're paying for.

These binders should be with you in every class, we often have handouts to add, plus we encourage note taking. Even though this camp ground has great amenities, we are ultimately here to learn. Pay close attention to in classes and to which classes you need.

On the next tab is the first week's schedule of classes. Each week will get more intense, so choose wisely.

We want everyone here to leave this experience with a fundamental understanding of sex and how we in the church should be proud of it.

We look forward to an amazing camp!

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