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Please don't take this chapter as offensive.

MRE: Made ready to eat.
Canteen: Holds Water

"This is Alpha-Charlie. ETA 5 minutes to target over" you report in to command.

"Understood Corporal" a voice replies.

The sound of the jet's engines drown out any noise except the radio. You're almost a thousand feet above the ground. In your cargo hold is a payload that's beinng dropped above the Front.

The bombs will break the stalemate, and hopefully give U.S the advantage.

Below the battlefield in nothing, but chaos. Barbed wire cover the landscape as soldiers take cover in trenches.

"ETA three minutes with the package." You call over the radio.

The sound of the jet engines rumble as the radio goes quiet. Looking out the window you can see the target ahead.

A large field with a base set dead center. The Germans however have spotted you. Tanks turn their attention to your aircraft as they shoot to kill.

Anti-air missiles lock on, but it's too late for that. The package is released, and the jet begins a turn to return.

Suddenly an engine explodes causing the jet to lose altitude. It begins to spin causing you to bang your head on the panel. You frantically unbuckle the seat belt then cut it loose with a knife.

You open the cockpit, and jump out. Once away from the falling jet you open your parachute. The primary is destroyed, but the reserve is functional.

Gliding down to the ground you quickly remove the chute, and take off running. The Germans are surely going to investigate the landing site.

You run through the trees then find a stop to rest. Immediantly you start to dig a Bunny Hole. The hole is meant to provide cover, and shelter.

Daylight begins to seep over the horizon forcing you to halt your digging. Now you must cover the hole with branches, and sticks.

Hiding you remove your gear then take a swig from your canteen. Only small sips now. The water has to last. You peek up out of the hole to scout your surroundings.

All seems quiet for now.

Laying down on your pack you decide to rest for a couple hours.

Waking up you smell the air. It's quiet except for the chirping of birds. You take a small sip of water then pop the seal of an MRE.

Right now you have two. That has to be rationed as well.

You remain in the same hole for three days.

The weather is hot, and humid. Not only that, but you had to kill a few rats that tried to take shelter. However, the biggest threat are cobras.

Venomous snakes that are known to inhabit this area of the jungle. You aren't lucky enough to have anti-venom on you.

All though you did get mosquito spray, so it's not too miserable.

Getting up you decide to travel because clearly you aren't getting anywhere.

After walking four miles you come across a jet.

A random jet.

In the forest.

During a war.

But, this was no ordinary jet because it had no insignia from either side. The syboml on one of the wings is weird, and not familiar.

You open the cockpit, and hear a growl. Jumping you search feverishly, scanning each tree. Confused you almost turn around, but metal begins to grind behind you.

"Keep your hands off fleshy!"

Lost for words you stumble backwards then stare wide-eyed. The jet is no longer a jet, but a metal "woman."

Wings extend out of its back, and it appears to have sharp metal fingers. What gives away the gender is a pair of high heels.

Red eyes like in a horror movie stare deep into your soul.

Your heart almost pounds at a millions beats per second as you stutter. Having no words to say you freeze in place.

"You pathetic fleshlings, on this ball of dirt. I should gut you, but perhaps Lord Megatron would like you instead."

After hearing it you realized that is it male in fact rather than female. Its an odd sort of male though.

"L... L-Lord Megatron?" You question.

"Indeed. Megatron is the leader of the Decepticons. Personally I favor myself as a better one, but if only I could snuff his spark."

The jet-man rambles on about this Megatron, and you debate fleeing.

"Now, where were we? At yes." He says wrapping his fingers around you.

You began screaming, and kicking trying to escape. The jet-man hardly seems fazed.

"Music to me. The sounds of your fruitless screams amuse me."

The machine changes back into a jet, and a seatbelt wraps you in tightly. The jet launches sideways, and you bang your head against the glass.

You get knocked out.

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