Chapter 7: You And Your Bitch Better Watch Out

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I walk out of my room the next morning i never saw Kyle from I told him to stay away from me.

I drive up in my new wing car that mom bought me for my new look and I'm rich.

As I reach the school I saw Kyle and his friend I walk over to them and was about to kiss Hunter but the bell rang.

He walk me to my school class and leave after that.

The hold class I was sleeping like a pregnant women.

My dream was interrupted by a girl that was wearing a black dress that each her below the knee.

Class over one minute ago but I could see that you were having a good dream by the way you were smiling the hold time in class by the way I am Rebecca Hunter she sand reminding me of Hunter.

Are you Hunter sister I ask putting a confused look on my face.

Yesssss i am she said with a long "s" on the word.

I am Lola Hunter girl friend I not knowing if she would like me are not. But instead she told be don't trust him cause he plays a game to get sex. But I was confused.

I walk out of the class room with Rebecca as i was about to enter the cafeteria I saw the hole kids surrounding a area saying fight!!



I pass through the crowd seeing Kyle on top of Hunter throwing punches repeatedly Hunter face was all bloody up and blood was running down kyles face.

I ran over to them trying to part the fight but Kyle didn't stop punching until Hunter lay down on the floor with his face looks like bees kiss it.

Without thinking I slap Kyle in the face and he walk off angry.

Rebecca call the school nurse and after few minutes she showed up and cared him to the nurse office.

Kyle should be praying caused if our parents are not home he's dead meat to begin with.

School went by fast and I was at the door a my house as I slam it open and went up to Kyle room he was sitting on his bed with his head in his hand.

What the f*** is wrong with you, you son of a bitch, you almost kill him.

He should be lucky his is not dead and do you even care he was spreading rumors about you sucking his dick and that you were on your knees begin him to fuck you after he told you that he doesn't want a bitch like you.

I was surprised of what Kyle was telling me and I know tomorrow hunter and his bitch, mia better watch out cause the war just begin.

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