Chapter 32 - First Blood

Start from the beginning

A little later, when Fintan falls to his knees, flames flicker down the Dragonite's sword and he levels it at Fintan's chest causing the spot on his metal breastplate to soften. Fintan bows his head in defeat. The flames wink out and Kai re-sheaths his sword, putting out a hand to help up the defeated man.

The fight over, Elissa steps onto the field. "Congratulations, Kai. You are the first competitor through to the next round."

Kai doesn't respond with words, but as she looks into his eyes, flames flicker behind his irises and for a moment she gets a flash of an image of the two of them engulfed in fire.

Blinking, she breaks the spell and turns to Fintan. "Are you hurt?"

"I have been bested by the superior warrior. 'Tis mainly my pride that is injured."

She gives him a smile. "Well, you have earned my respect."


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Elissa makes the draw for the second fight and selects the champions from Atlantis and the Rainbow Isles. At a wave of her hand the tents change once again, one going silver and blue and the other reflecting all the colours of the rainbow.

She is barely seated when the Atlantean strides out of his tent, wearing leather trousers, but with a bare torso, his silvery skin shimmering in the sun.

Dusk turns to Darish. "Would you look at the muscles on him. Hmm. I have never been with a merman, though I am curious."

Darish shifts in his seat.

"Did you partake when you went down..." Dusk makes the words sound suggestive "... to Atlantis?"

Elissa gives Dusk a disapproving look. "Leave my poor Secretary alone."

Dusk gives a wickedly unrepentant grin. "But he looks so pretty when he blushes."

She shakes her head and shushes him, returning her attention to the rest of the fight. Too soon, she is out of her seat again to congratulate the Atlantean who doesn't have a scratch on him. Unlike his opponent, who is covered in bloody gashes, though nothing too bad that the healer can't deal with it.

After a break for refreshments, the draw for the third fight takes place and she pulls out first one then another medallion bearing images of birds. 

"Our third fight will between the white hawk and the black raven. The Animage champion against Avalon's own champion."

Gawain and Bram step forward. She doesn't necessarily want to pit them against each other. "Good luck, both of you."

The two Animages decide to forgo traditional weapons and instead entertain the crowd with their own brand of battle, effortlessly morphing between different animal forms, sometimes moving in a dizzying blur of black and white.

The fight between the white lion and the black panther is particularly ferocious, causing her to bury her head against Aren's chest. His laughter rumbles through her. "You are missing the action."

Come on Elle, don't be a wuss. She pulls herself upright and turns to Darish. "Is everything sorted for the next fight?"

"Yes and the dwarves are enjoying watching the fights on, what did you call it, a big screen?"

She grins, recalling the huge blue disk hanging in the ballroom displaying the fights for the dwarves.

"So, do you have a favourite?" Dusk asks, a sparkle of mischief in his eyes.

Darish remains silent, so she responds, "I have to be impartial."

"What about you, Mr silent and brooding? Has anyone caught your eye?" Dusk asks Darish.

She levels Dusk with a disapproving look, but he just laughs and placing a hand on Darish's thigh, leans across him to get closer to her. "Are you worried that we might be eyeing up your Kai?"

"He's not mine," she quickly insists.

"Really? The way he was only just looking at you earlier." He fans himself with his free hand. "I remember when you two stayed with me. When you kissed I could have sworn that the air actually sizzled."

She opens her mouth to argue, but feels a draft on her other side and turns to see Aren storming off.


"What did I say?" Dusk lifts his shoulder and looks about, totally perplexed.

"Aren and I are courting!" she huffs out with exasperation.

"Well then, he should be more of a man about it and realise how lucky he is, rather than sulking like a child."

She runs in the direction Aren left, but there is no sign of him, so she sends out her senses.


Elissa finds Aren standing by the river, looking into the water. He is not alone! Standing beside him, a hand draped over his shoulder is Belinda.

Elissa slows to a stately pace and walks up to the pair. Belinda glances up and defiantly strokes a hand down Aren's back, as if staking a claim to him. Flames erupt from Elissa's fingertips and she puts her hands behind her back to hide the sign of her irritation.

She is almost upon them when Aren finally looks up and starts.

"Leave us," Elissa commands Belinda.

"Aren needs people around him he can trust." Belinda doesn't outright say 'unlike you', but her intent is clear and she makes no move to leave.

"Then he has no need of you." Elissa fires back. Several dark clouds form in the perfect blue sky and a single bolt of lightning strikes the ground between them. "Careful where you stand."

Belinda looks to Aren for help, but finding none, tosses her head in the air and strides off.

"Is it true about you and Kai being together?" Aren asks.

This is a conversation she doesn't particularly want to face, but she has to be truthful. "We did kiss, but that is all."

"Whilst we were still together?"

The hurt in his voice causes her to stagger. "Aren, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for anything to happen. I was scared about the future and he was so strong and kind. You're the one I want to be with."

He is silent for such a painfully long time that she starts to get frightened. Please Aren, she pleads with her eyes.

Finally, he seeks assurance, "You are mine?"

His gaze drills into her. She doesn't flinch or look away. "Yes. I love you, Aren." She means it. While she can't deny there is still an attraction to Kai, her heart lies with Aren and she will not forsake him again.

His frame relaxes and he buries his face in the crook of her neck, placing soft kisses at the junction with her shoulder.

She wants to stay with him just like this, but the responsibilities of being the host of the tournament weigh down on her. "Aren, I need to get back. Will you come with me?"

He shakes his head.

"But your friends are competing. Don't you want to support them and see who wins?"

"Bram will win, he has outgrown his teacher. Furthermore, I cannot stomach seeing Nero revelling in glory."

"He won't be there. The dwarves are hosting the fight inside. I didn't think it fair to hold it in the open."

"I need to clear my head. I will see you later." He kisses her tenderly, then is gone in a flurry of golden feathers.

For a moment she stares after him, feeling somewhat bruised and then turns to head back alone.

AN - the song for this chapter is Warriors by Imagine Dragons.
The tournament has started and other battles are being fought.

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