Dark part 2

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Doctor Schneep- instead of roasting Dark behind his back I thought I should roast him to his face so please welcome Darkiplier

Dark- *walks out on stage* thank you thank you *takes a seat in the black leather chair*

Doctor Schneep- you see this picture of you Dark?

Doctor Schneep- you see this picture of you Dark?

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Dark- yeah I look rather sexy 😏

Doctor Schneep- why do you always have red and blue around you like you're a 3D movie? You look like a damn 3D movie

Dark- 💀💀💀💀

Doctor Schneep- and what is up with that deep dark voice? You sound like you're trying to be Batman

Dark- 💀💀💀 *slouches in his seat*

Doctor Schneep- you become any darker you are going to blend in with the night. Is that why you have that red and blue 3D movie outline around you because no one would be able to see you in the dark? Aren't you suppose to blend in with the Dark? Your name is Dark after all

Dark- 😐 shut up green bean

Doctor Schneep- shut up gray cloud

Dark- you're ruining my reputation

Doctor Schneep- why are you always wearing suits by the way? Are you trying to make it look like you're a rich classic man when you really are not? Just because you wear suits does not make you rich

Dark- just because you wear a doctor outfit does not make you a doctor

Doctor Schneep- 💀 ill have you know I got my medical degree out of a limited edition cereal box! I haven't seen you do nothing with your life besides try to take Mark's date since no one wanted you!

Dark- 💀💀💀 *gets up out of his chair* that's enough roasting me for today *walks off stage*

Doctor Schneep- bye bye Dark

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