"I'm sorry for the pain I caused you. "he apologized

"Your sorry is not going to do anything Damon." I said and he promised not to and I hoped he would keep it.

"I know ,I just want you to know I'm sorry."

"Why did you have to do something that you know you'd be sorry?" I asked, I was really angry and the matter has been bothering me for a while.

"I don't know what to say to you but I'm really sorry." he apologized, the guilt evident in his eyes and I just said OK.

"I have to go now, I'd see you later."

" Why do you have to go now, what am I supposed to do?" I whined.

"Watch TV, talk to Jonathan or just sleep, you need rest anyway."

"I don't want to do any of that."

"Do you want to come with me then?" he asked

I wanted to be with him but there's a chance I'd encounter few people and I'm not ready for that but then maybe I could find a friend so I agreed.

We were at his pack house now, people stared at us as we passed and I could hear murmurs as to who I was and what I was doing with Damon but I ignored it.

We were in his office, it was pretty spacious with a big table and chair. There was space for a meeting with about ten people. I helped him in clearing some files away that he no longer needed into a big long bookshelf. When I was done he started attending to some things while I just sat down going through some apps on his phone.

There was a knock on the door and in came a guy with blonde hair, cute blue eyes and a muscular body. He was quite tall too and there was this friendly, bubbly glow about him.

" You came last night and you couldn't dim it fit to visit me, what a friend you are." he said and Damon rolled his eyes

"It's good to see you too Chase."

"And who told you it's good to see you, you can go back to where you're coming from for all I care." Chase said and Damon laughed.

It was nice seeing Damon like this, joking around smiling and laughing and he was looking at me with a smile on his face through out and I couldn't help but smile.

Chase turned to look at me and smiled and I was wondering why he did.

" So you've found your mate huh?" Chase said raising his eyebrows and Damon smiled looking at me.

"Yeah, how do you even know?" Damon asked

" The way you're looking at her and your scent on her is quite dominant which brings us back to last night, how was your night Damon?"He asked Damon stood up to give him a slap on the head causing me to laugh. I liked the guy already.

"Sometimes I just wonder where I got you from."Damon said and Chased laughed.

"Dude you just need me in your life. Without me your life is like a long, boring, dark alley" Chase told him and I laughed.

He really put it into words, I've not seen this playful side of Damon before and it's just because of Chase, I wonder if I can have this effect on him someday.

"I'm Chase, this guy's awesome best friend and you are?"

"Lianna." I introduced and he smiled.

"It's nice to meet you, I hope that we'd be best of friends." he gave me a hug and it was quite surprising.

"I hope that too." I could see Damon staring straight at me, I don't think he likes that Chase is hugging me. He cleared his throat to let us know he was still there and Chase pulled out laughing.

"Since you're going to be busy, why don't I show her around?" Chase suggested and Damon told him not to bother that he could do it.

"Well we're going to spend the day together while you attend to your alpha duties." Chase pulled me out of the office before Damon could say anything.

"So how long have you guys known each other?" I asked as we walked to the lounge and Chase told me ten years.

" That's a long time, how do you stand him?" I found myself asking and he laughed.

"He can be so annoying right?you have to overlook it sometimes and if you can't you talk some sense into him."

"I'd be sure to keep that in mind."

"You just have to bear with him, he has been through a lot and it still affects him, he's not used to showing emotions and he let his temper rule but he's a really good friend and I think he'd make a great mate too but if not we can always kick his ass."

"I hope it won't come to that though." I said laughing.

"It probably won't, Damon can be quite possessive of what's his when he wants to and he doesn't let go of what's his."

"I'm hoping he'd do that." I said, I'd like to see him possessive

" So have you found your mate?" I asked

"No, not yet. I'm hoping to find her soon." he said and I reassured him he'd find her in time.

Chase and I spent the day together along with Sam and Jonathan, the trio were a catch, especially Jonathan and Chase, I couldn't imagine what they would do. We were currently watching a movie when Damon walked in.

"Come join us." Chase beckoned and he told him no.

"I'm tired Lee, let's go home."

" But the movie hasn't even ended." I whined.

"Since you're tired you can go, I'd bring her over." Chase suggested while Damon walked over to where I was, pulled me up and carried me bridal style.

" Oh, I see why you want to go home." Chase said laughing and I kicked his head as we passed.

"Make sure to keep it down." Jonathan said and I just laughed, they were a bunch of crazy idiots.

We walked away from the pack house and although I told him to drop me down he didn't until we've gotten to the car.

"You spent the whole day with him." Damon started

"Yes, he's actually fun to be with." I told him and a frown appeared on his face. Could he be jealous?

"You're not coming with me tomorrow then. " he stated

"Then he could come over."

" He'd be busy tomorrow."

"Then I'd come help him out so he'd be less busy."I said smiling and Damon's frown worsened.

"So you're enjoying his company more than you're enjoying mine?" he growled out.

" Yes." I answered smiling

"I'm going to make you enjoy my company more than his." he promised and I smiled.

Better for me, I never thought that I'd see Damon jealous and it's nice, it's good to know that he wants to spend time with me.

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