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I don't want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.  - Oscar Wilde

Never apologize for being sensitive or emotional. It's a sign that you have a big heart, and that you aren't afraid to let others see it. Showing your emotions is a sign of strength. - Brigitte Nicole

Hi Friends, sorry to keep stalling this chapter as I wanted the feeling to come from within and to be genuine. Hope everyone is fine. I was also going through a rough patch. Went in for meditation and yoga so that I did not get depressed. Now everything is fine. This chapter took toll I was writing and rewriting for past 2 weeks. It was my emotional breakdown happened during that time and I stopped writing. In between, I also felt to delete the book but my parents encouraged to take time and start writing again. So this is what I have written.




It is surprising that he came, spoke, and ran away. It then hit me that he announced which seems to everyone that he hates me...I am bit confused as why does he hates me. I am trying to avoid him but what now. I seriously not able to understand him and I am also not able to understand me. It then struck me that if he hates then what is the reason for it....aaahhhh....then it knocked my senses when I saw who was sitting beside me and what was happening before he came. Oooohhhhh god!!!!!!!!! Did I screw up but I don't have any feeling for me and whatever he does should not bother but then I don't know why I ran after him; his words mostly him telling me that he hates me and doesn't want to come face to face with me hit me hard. Nevertheless, my heart started to beat fast. I needed an answer and I was going to get it from him. I was shouting his name like crazy. But he was nowhere to be seen, where he went!!! One thing is for sure that he did not go back to his dorm alone as he came in with Yo and Beam. I was sure he was somewhere nearby. In few minutes, I saw his group come near me and ask what happened. I said Ming ran away alone and I don't know the reason why?

I needed an answer from him but where should I search him? Until the time everyone was trying to connect, him through mobile but it is not getting through. From past 30 mints, it was like a tense moment, as no one knew what is happening. We then quit our searching like mad. We got together and made a plan to search him. We tried searching everywhere even to those place if we thought he will not dare to go but he was nowhere to be found. Suddenly, P'Irene said to find him soon as a danger is lurking behind as. Therefore, I jokingly asked is he the son of a Mafia then P'Irene sarcastically said He is the son of the most dangerous Person in Thailand or should I in world. I was thinking when I suddenly heard a low whimper but I was not sure for the source of the sound, which was mostly inaudible. So I wanted to be sure about it and kept on hearing for the source of the sound and we all came down to a small alley which dark and we saw a guy whimpering in pain and saying please leave me...don't beat hurts a lot.. Mai...where are you...and instantly N'Alisha said that voice sounds familiar, it sounded as of Ming.

What a shock ..... No actually what a turnaround!!! We all ran towards him and whoever tried to touch him he would shake badly and murmur No No...Don't....P'Irene couldn't see the condition of his favourite Nong so she called someone and by looking at her face we can sense something big is going to happen. Now there is a huge task to complete as Ming was in panic zone and shivering like hell. No one could calm him down so I went towards him and put his head on my lap and gently started stroking him and saying "I am here, now one is going to beat him. I also told him to sleep". He hugged me tightly and I indicated with my finger to bring the car where we are so it will not be a problem to carry Ming to the back sit.

We reached dorm soon and we were wasting our time by thinking where Ming would stay! It was decided he would stay in his room and while placing him in the bed, he started to whine in his sleep, and Pha said that he is dreaming something bad. It is so bad that Pha requested me to stay with Ming as he is only comfortable with my presence and I also felt that my body, my soul is attracted towards him. When everyone made his or her way to the door, P'Irene said that she would be back soon so she is just closing the door. I just nodded my head. When everything was silent, I saw the beauty sleeping, he was just spotless, he can be everyones dream, but now I am holding. I know that he has something that makes me to want him more and yes, I will make him mine one day. Slowly I whispered to him "I love you".


I never knew I could go up and say whatever I wanted to and that was bold move on my part but then my legs started to give way. Therefore, I just ran outside the hotel and did not wait for anyone. I did not want to face anyone right now. I wanted some me time, so I was walking down the pavement, lost in thoughts as in why did I shouted liked that to him. He never said he likes me or he has crush on me. Instead whenever we met I felt nervous but what was that kiss about? It forced me to think does he just want to make fun of my emotions or what! It surely left a bitter taste in my mouth.

I ignored the most important fact that someone was following me. I did not bother as who would follow me or harm me, as no one knew me. Then also, I felt like someone pulled me harshly and started to bully me by saying they would beat, sell me, I am faggot, not liked by anyone. I heard a voice which was different it seemed that I have heard it before but it gave me an instant kick like what drugs does to a druggie or alcohol does to an alcoholic. My head started to hurt and dizziness with my panic took toll on me. The voice sounded like she was not happy she was abusing me telling she will kill my parents and me. She sounded like a witch who at any point can never be satisfied. I have a feeling that I heard the voice somewhere and I am not able to recollect where! Suddenly my body gave way as I could feel I got blank and I could not recognise where I am.

I then heard some comforting words and someone pulled me towards his lap, it made me feel safe. Yes, after a long time I was feeling secure, somewhere I wanted to believe that voice is of P'Forth. I never knew the reason but when anyone else tried to carry me or touch me, I felt pain but the touch of him was of care and love. I liked that feeling. I then fell asleep. I tried to recollect about that voice it sounded much known but suddenly something changed and relaxed me. I think I am in other planet and dreaming or hearing voice of someone telling me that he loves me. I felt if someone could say that when I was awake and I wished it was P'Forth. I think I am starting to have some feeling for him is love or crush let's keep it for future.






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