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Thank you for your encouragement and accepting the my new FF.... I am truly obliged.

MPreg if you dont like it then dont read it.


I got up early in the morning and saw my lovely wife sleeping peacefully but then last night intimacy came in my mind, he was never so grumpy or never tired. Something is amiss with him. I kissed his lips and then slowly I got up and went to bathroom to take shower. When I got out Ming is still sleeping, I got ready and went down to have breakfast and there my parents are having breakfast. I went and sat with them and started having breakfast when Mai suddenly asked, "where is Ming?"

I answered saying "he is sleeping and he is also getting very tired. So will go and visit doctor with him." Mai just smiled and said hope it's a good news. I couldn't understand. Suddenly I hear something falling then realised that it's from our room. I just ran to my room and saw glass has fallen in the floor and Ming was unable to stand was about to fall. I rushed to catch him and then he looked at me and said he wants to go to washroom. I took him there and was puking very badly. I never saw him in this condition like this. I miss my Ming, my wife.

Then I bought to our room and told him to lie down and he requested me to sit beside him and hug him which I did. My parents came up asked what happened? I said to Dad "I will be taking off from work and will take Ming to hospital". Dad agreed with me. I made my appointment with my brother Yo's boyfriend Beam. Swadee Kharp A'Beam, "I will be bringing Ming to hospital as from sometime he is not feeling well. He is tired and weak. Just now he vomited and said he is feeling dizzy." Beam said, "Its ok Ai'Forth bring him." I then slowly changed Ming's cloths into fresh cloths and bought him down in bridal style and made him sit in passenger seat. I then caressed his hair and kissed his forehead. I felt sad to see him sick.

We reached hospital and Beam was waiting for us in car parking. I tried to wake up Ming but he was so tired that he could not stand up. I took him in my arm and followed Beam in consultation room. We waited for the reports and Beam called me in "Ai'Forth please come in and no worries let Ming sleep there. I just wanted to say that Ming is one week pregnant and please be very careful as he is very weak. No work for him just let him rest. By the way congratulation. I know you are shocked but he is capable of having kid as he is having functioning Uterus and Ovaries so keep Ming happy and stress free."

I couldn't believe my ears that My Ming is pregnant. Oh God!!! I am very happy that after 2yrs of dating and 2yrs of married life we are being blessed by our children. Be it a boy or gal I will be happy, if my wife and my baby are healthy and happy. I am just waiting to share the news with Ming and my family members. Today is one of my happiest day. I went in and kissed my wife in lips and said, "Thank you for giving me the best news".


I could feel that Forth has woke up but I am not in that state to wake up. I am feeling very tired and weak. I know that he got ready and went down to have breakfast but I feel so guilty that I couldn't satisfy my husband yesterday. If it had been any other guy he would have been angry but he didn't say anything to me instead kissed me. I felt like crying as I never felt so bad.

When forth went down to have his breakfast, I tried to get up from bed but before I broke the glass. I could feel Forth trying save me from falling. After seeing I uttered to take me to washroom. Where I was vomiting non-stop. I never felt so sick before. Forth made me lie down in bed and I requested him to stay with me and sit beside me and hug me which he did as a caring husband.

Mai and Pa came to our room check what happened. I heard Forth say that he will be taking off from work and take me to hospital. Which was agreed by Pa. Forth being a CEO of the CHAIPRASIT CENTRAL GROUP always consults with Pa regarding off or anything. I respect him for that as he never misuses his power. He is possessive and caring towards the people he loves the most. Then I heard speak with P'Beam about an appointment for me.

Later on Forth changed me in fresh clothes and carried me to the car and kissed my forehead. I love his soft lips and this kiss is of care nothing else. When we reached the hospital Forth took me inside the consultancy room in his arm. After doing some test we waited for two hours that P'Beam called him and made me sleep in the couch and told that I was pregnant. Dammit I am one week pregnant but more then that I can feel that forth is surprised to know that I can bear child in my womb. But I was feeling scared what if he didn't want the child and all bad things was coming in my mind.

Little did I know that Forth was happy to be a father and he came and kissed my lips saying he has received the best gift. I couldn't believe it. Forth is ready to start a family. So now it's my duty to fulfil my husband's wish of a family. And mind it I can do anything to keep my Husband happy. If he is happy then I am also happy.

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Next is the surprise stored for the couple

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Next is the surprise stored for the couple. Be ready for the surprise....

Will it be a boy or gal?

Twins or Triplets?

Will Forth be a caring husband?

Will Ming be possessive wife?

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