“I've heard so much about you, it's great to finally meet you,” she said.

“You have? Thank you,” I replied blushing red.

“Yes sweets, this dickhead hadn't stopped talking about you,” Aditya teased.

“Shut up,” Josh said.

“Anyway Darling, you're everything Josh said you were,” Aditya complimented hugging me.

“Thank you,” was what   all I could say.

“Enough you guys, Kalsi's already on cloud nine with Cheryl worshipping her and now you two as well,” Josh said rolling his eyes.

Cheryl slapped Josh on his back and walked away.

We sat in the living room waiting for a certain someone named Keegan.

“Where the hell is he?” Shraddha asked frustratingly.

“On his way babe,” Aditya replied calmly.

They were complete opposites; Shradz was a perky hyper fireball while Adi was gentle and sweet.

On that note, the door bell rang and I stood up to receive Keegan, hopefully he'd come because Juju and I were starving.

I opened the door and was met with a handsome face and baby blue eyes.

“Hi, I’m Kalsi, please come in,” I greeted him.

He kept looking.

I cleared my throat and he snapped out.

“Hey, I’m Keegan” he introduced himself and gave a peck on my cheek.

“I saw that you rascal, that's my wife!” Josh said walking behind me.

“I’m sorry, but you didn't tell me your wife was this gorgeous,” he said winking at me.

I blushed and walked in.

Keegan helped me set up the table so did Cheryl and we ate merrily. I had just met them but they were all very accepting and warm, soon I too felt like a part of their group.

“This is heaven,” Adi said for the fifth time.

They loved the food and I was on cloud nine, on top of that Keegan followed me around like a mesmerized pup to annoy Josh and it sure was working.

We were having payasam for dessert when the door bell rang again.

A pretty woman stood at the door, she was tall and very chic.

“Hi, how may I help you?” I asked.

“I need to speak to Josh,” she said bluntly.

“Alright come on in,” I said and we both entered the living room.

The room went silent when they saw us coming, they all looked pale.

“Aaliya,” Josh whispered and stood up.

That name rung a bell and I froze.

“Hi Josh, hello guys,” she waved at everyone sarcastically and then faced me.

“So you are Kalsi?” She asked.

“Yes, Hi,” I said and smiled tightly.

“What are you doing here?” Cheryl asked.

“I've come to meet my boyfriend Cheryl darling,” she chimed.

“Shut up,” she responded.

“Don't create a scene please,” Josh begged.

“Create a scene? Me?” She asked innocently.

“Why would I create a scene? Oh let me think, oh yeah, maybe because a certain skank married the guy who was supposedly my fiancé or because the guy I loved even slept with that whore,” she yelled. Her voice echoing in the very silent corners of the house.

Tears stung my eyes but I held my head up.

“Enough,” Josh yelled back.

“Or what?” She replied.

“Get the hell out of here,” Shraddha said pointing towards the door.

“Why should I?” She retorted.

“Please,” I said out loud.

“Aaliya, I understand you're mad and you have every right to be, but hear me out,” I insisted.

She just stared at me and so did the rest.

“It was a mistake, we were drunk and it was a terrible mistake. I don't want to define my and Josh's life by that one night. And this marriage is more like an arrangement;  6 months from now I don't know where I'll be so please do not let go what you and Josh have for me. Josh has no obligations whatsoever towards me.” I finished.

Everyone was stunned by the time I finished.

“I’m going to go and rest now,” I said and I quickly walked to my room. I changed and cried myself to sleep. The whole episode slammed me on the ground of reality hard.  I had started dreaming and desiring things that were not mine, stupid cow like me.

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