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You wake up abruptly due to the sound of your alarm clock it's 8am and you quickly remember your interview for the maids position.

You do your basic morning routine with nothing special and go to your closet to find the best outfit for the interview.

You look through all  of your clothes and choose something casual and chic.

You look through all  of your clothes and choose something casual and chic

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*your outfit^^*

Once you finished getting dressed and walk out of the house you haul a taxi and make your way to the address of the cafe.

You make it to the cafe and walk in looking around but honestly didn't know who you were looking for. You decide to just get a hot chocolate and a piece of your favorite cake.
Once your order is ready you get a text which read::
??: hey I'm walking into the cafe right now, sorry for the wait

Once you read it you looked at the entrance of the cafe a boy with fluffy pick hair walks in clutching his phone, you abruptly wave him down.
He walks toward you with the biggest smile and you both bow and shake each others hands.

SORRY THIS WAS REALLY SHORT BUT I PROMISE THE NEXT ONE WILL BE ABOUT 700 words so be hyped. * currently working on it*

Xoxo~ your best author -R.

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