Chapter Thirty - Elliot

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Hey all! Hoping to get one last update out on Monday before surgery and the holidays, but it looks like the end of this and S&S has to wait for January!

Love, Cam

Chapter Thirty


Tyler knocked on Colin's door, and we heard a very familiar step alternating with a thud.

"Saskie, do not try to run with your leg in a-"

There was a thud, a wail, and a distressed sounding Colin said, "-cast... Sask, are you okay?! That looked like a nasty fall."

"I'm okay," Saskie sniffed, sounding decidedly not okay.

Tyler called through the door, "Colin, can we just come in? This is ridiculous."

"Yes, sorry, come on in," Colin called back. Tyler opened the door, revealing a harried-looking Colin holding Saskie in his arms, having picked her up off the floor. He was reprimanding Saskie with, "Babe, you have to use your crutches, you keep falling over!"

"Don't like them," Saskie muttered sullenly.

"I know, but they're to keep you safe for now," Colin said, kissing her on the forehead. "Soon you'll be back to running around normally, okay? For now, you have to keep with it."

Saskie considered it, and then sulkily said, "Fine."

Colin put her back on the floor, and Saskie looked at us in a way that made it clear she was torn between being excited to see us, and committing to a good sulk. A little dog ran into the corridor and circled Saskie, pulling a smile from her and breaking the magnificent pout she'd put on.

"Tickles," she laughed, as she dog nosed at her leg. Clearly, the dog was not put off by the 'it's been several weeks since my leg got fresh air' smell.

"Right, Sask, is everything packed up?" Colin asked. She shook her head, so he smiled and said, "Okay, let's go get that sorted out." He looked at us and nodded towards a door off to the right of the corridor. "Andrew's making coffee, if you want some?"

"Yes, please," Tyler said, and we followed Colin's nod through the door and into a kitchen. It was surprisingly rustic-looking; I'd assumed Colin and Andrew were the type to have a sleek, modern aesthetic. The cupboards were a faded green and the countertops were a light wood. It did, however, have very expensive gadgets. Andrew smiled, fiddling with a very fancy-looking coffee machine.

"Hey, guys, what're we having?" he asked.

"I'm almost afraid to ask what the options are," Tyler eyed the monstrosity with caution. "A latte?"

"Coming right up," Andrew said, pushing some buttons. "Elliot?"

"Just black coffee for me, please," I replied. "Thanks."

It seemed to work without Andrew needing to do anything, and soon enough we had mugs of coffee that smelled incredible. I needed the caffeine; Siobhan, Sorcha, Tyler and I had been up late telling stories about things that had happened in the past, and I'd enjoyed listening to stories in particular about Tyler during university.

"So, how was dinner?" Andrew asked, sitting down with us. "Siobhan and Sorcha get on okay?"

I snickered into my coffee. "Oh, yeah, they're getting along very well."

Andrew heard the note in my voice and frowned. "They have a fight or something?"

"No," Tyler sighed heavily. "They're dating."

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