Chapter Ten - Elliot

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Happy Wednesday my loves! It's so nice being able to write more often again, truly a delightful time for me.

Love, Cam

Chapter Ten

I meet Saskie

I asked Tyler to come in a little early with Saskie, to show her around the classroom and her get comfortable with the environment before introducing her to all the other students. I didn't usually do this, because usually all the students were new and it was the beginning of the year, but it seemed like a good idea for a mid-year transfer.

Saskie was flipping adorable. Tyler had told me she was adopted, which was clear enough given she was Filipino and he was white, but it truly showed that nurture could be more powerful than nature because they resembled each other in behaviour. Saskie had the same smile, the same mannerisms, the same language as Tyler, and it was very sweet to see.

"So," I said, leading them through the cloakroom that was just before the classroom. "This is where you hang your bag and coat, Saskie, but we'll do that in a sec."

Saskie nodded, devoting herself entirely to what I was saying. Tyler walked with us, visibly anxious but not giving voice to it while his daughter ploughed ahead. I wondered if she got her energetic confidence from her other father, or perhaps from the strong example Sorcha set for her.

"And here we are, your creative home for the next eight months," I grinned, opening the classroom door and showing her in. I'd already set up paints and paper for everyone, so we could get into the creative lesson first thing. I wanted Saskie to have an activity she would enjoy for her first classroom experience, something to physically focus on while she adjusted.

"Paint," she said, her eyes glowing.

"We're doing the leaf project today," I beamed at her, and then picked up a little box from my desk. "But first, you have an important job."

Saskie paused, waiting for me to tell her what it was.

I dramatically presented her with the box of glittery stickers. "You have to go find your cloakroom peg and decorate around it with these. It's got your name on it, okay? Use as many as you want."

Saskie's eyes lit up again and she took the box, racing off back into the cloakroom without looking back once.

Tyler smiled fondly after her. "You're a genius."

"Helps to settle people in, and everyone loves stickers," I laughed, but I could see he was nervous. "Tyler, I know the first day can be stressful for everyone - parents included. Are you alright?"

"I'm alright," he replied, but it fell flat and he grimaced. "It's just... we've been together so much since the separation. It feels bizarre having her leave again for six hours a day. And I want her to make friends, but she will, because everyone loves her."

I didn't doubt that. "I promise she's going to come home talking about how much she enjoyed everything. I'll look after her."

Tyler gave me a soulful look and I felt an arrow go right through my heart. "Thank you," he said, so sincerely I almost needed to sit down to gather myself. "I know you will."

Christ alive. I needed to get it under control. I kept reminding myself 'he's recently separated from his husband - he's still technically married for god's sake, he's going through a rough time, stop with this nonsense'.

"Found it!" Saskie called from the cloakroom.

"Well done, Sask," Tyler called back.

"So," I said, trying to brighten the atmosphere and move my thoughts away from comforting him. "What's your plan for the day?"

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