"What?...d-did I tell him everything?" I asked myself

I walked over to the couch trying to remember then I face palmed myself remembering and regretting it all.

Then I screamed to myself remembering how I tried to Kiss him.

"Aish!, you're so stupid for doing that!, stupid, stupid, stupid" I said in English

Then I thought about it.

"If that happened how come he...didn't mind or confront me about it?" I asked myself.

"No, no, he probably forgot..." I told myself trying to believe it

"AISHH!!!" I pulled my hair feeling embarrassed and ashamed of myself

[Dinner date]

I dressed up in a dress Mrs. Jeon had send over to me by her driver.

It felt really weird wearing a dress so short and silky, but it felt so soft that I couldn't just wear normal clothes.

I wore the heels she had bought to match the dress making me twirl around in the skirt.

"I look so pretty in this" I smiled into the tall mirror.

I walked out of the house and zipped up the black coat going inside the small jet black car.

I drove off to the restaurant as I dialed Jungkook on the car phone.

"Sorry this call-"

I rolled my eyes trying again.

"Sorry this call-"

I hung up and tried again.

But there was no answer.

"Are you fucken serious Juancock?!" I asked myself coming to a red light

"Hey...It rhymes with his name" I smiled

"Why isn't he picking up, we have twenty minutes to get there..." I sighed

//Time Skip\\

I walked inside the fancy and dark but lit up romantic place as I followed the waiter to the table seeing no one.

"Did I get the time wrong?" I asked myself feeling kinda lonely being the only one here.

I went through my phone calling them.

"Eomma, are you and Appa almost here yet?" I asked them looking around the restaurant.

"Sorry darling, but we're having car trouble we can't make it, sorry dear but have fun" She says hanging up

"guess I'll have dinner with the jeons..." I sighed

I dialed Mrs. Jeon's phone number hoping they were already around the corner or at least walking in.

"Oh, hello Solna, I was just about to call you" She says

"Oh" I said

"Sorry to inform you but we can't make it tonight, my husband got really sick" She says

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that" I told her

"It's alright, he just has the flu, but have fun at dinner with Jungkook" She tells me

"Okay" I said

I waited and waited as it was already thirty minutes past five. Finally Jungkook had arrived in a heavily breathing.

"Sorry, sorry, got caught up at work" he says

He looks up from sitting down seeing no one around me, no food just a glass of wine and water.

"Where's our parent's?" he asks

"I texted you that it was just going to be us, they couldn't make it" I told him

He sighs and runs his hand through his hair.

"Then I'm leaving also"

He get's up making me stand as well staring at him.

"Wait, you're leaving?, but we didn't even order anything yet" I told him

"Sorry, but I'm busy, I only came because of our parent's" he says and walks off leaving me.

I sat back down rolling my eyes to how this day was going.

"Hello miss would you like to order now?" The waiter asks

I sighed.

"Sure...I guess" I said

"Will your party be coming soon?" He asks

"No...It's just me" I told him

"Alright, would it be alright if I moved you to a two person table for more room for a b-"

I didn't let him finish and glared at him.

"Just let me order my food and enjoy it" I demanded

I opened the menu feeling my eye's water for some reason as I was hoping to at least have dinner with someone.

I sniffled after telling the waiter my order then gulping down some more red wine.

I asked for another bottle as I haven't even finished half of the first bottle of wine.

I continued drinking and drinking it down like there was no tomorrow.

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