Down Fall

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Eira attacked Percy as Aspen made for Annabeth. Seeing as there was no plants in the underground base, Aspen relied solely on physical strength. Too bad for her that Annabeth was used to fighting people like her, seeing as she had been fighting Clarisse for years. 

Snow swirled from Eira as she jumped around. The glittering girl blasted controlled bursts at Percy, no able to shape it into what she wanted yet. With a grin, Percy lifted his hands and turned her own snow on her, using the water inside-however cold-to his advantage. 

Melany hung back, scoping out the fight, seeing who she would fair best against. 

Eira flung out her hands, to try and clear the snow that was blinding her. However, Percy's powers were to strong to beat, he had full control of anything she threw at him. With her thrashing around, it wasn't hard to get behind her and knock her out. As his fight ended, another began. 

Seemingly from nowhere, Melany struck-fluid and the only one who seemed in full control of her powers. Percy whirled, and caught her wrist right before Melany had the chance to jab her nails into his side. 

On the other side of the room, Annabeth used Aspen's weight and height against herself and threw the tree girl to the ground. A click of metal had the girl handcuffed with the blue glowing metal that took their powers away. 

The blonde hurtled the space between them, making for Eira-to cuff her while Percy dealt with Melany. Melany had another idea, and folded into the shadows and appeared in the corner of the room, where even the hanging artificial lights didn't reach. With a flick of her wrist she turned off the lights, then slinked forward-completely at home within the pitch dark. 

Only the deep sound of Percy chuckling made her pause. 

"On, I knew you'd do that." He closed his eyes, and lifted a hand. "Good thing I don't need light to know where you are." Annabeth was already cuffing the white haired girl, throwing her over her shoulder and moving back to the big girl. 

"What do your veiled words mean?" Melany hissed back. Her eyes had been bred for this, this dark. She could see everything, see the blond now crouched over her two companions and the boy that still had that insufferable grin on his face. 

He chuckled again. "I mean this." A wave of his hand and Melany was still confused. But she had enough, she swiped her leg out to take him down. Only to have Percy duck down and lift her leg up, picking her up then drop her only to pin her underneath him. She thrashed and tried to shift, go back into the darkness and appear elsewhere-but her body wouldn't comply. "Hard to disappear isn't it?" 

Another set of clicks and Melany was whole trapped in her own skin. Not able to fold between the darkness and go wherever she pleased. 

Annabeth turned on the lights, having moved when Melany attacked. 

"Let's get them out then keep looking for Raven." Annabeth said as she picked up Eira and made Aspen stand up. Percy opened his bag, a satchel he hung over his shoulders, and took out three gags. Only two were needed as they hauled their prisoners down the halls. 

It didn't take long, but it did take longer with the three extra people. Half way up Percy took Eira but held firm onto Melany's handcuffs. When they climbed out of the hatch men and women in suits and ties had weapons aimed at them. They only lowered them when they saw who it was. 

"Take these three, we're going back in." Percy growled, no room for questions as Annabeth and him hurtled back down the stairs. That little bit was all he would let the Avengers mess with his plans. The only place he would let them interfere with. 

Because if the Avengers had come in here, these people wouldn't be left alive and the hearts of the three girl's would have been crushed. They only banded together to beat the Avengers, to get back a fraction of what they had lost. Percy couldn't let their hearts be shattered any further. 

Annabeth and Percy made their way down to the room they knew was Raven's. Slipping through the door they entered a training room, not unlike the one for the teens, but this one was more . . . extravagant. 

A woman with black hair tied back in a bun and a tracksuit stood in the middle of the room, boxing gloves on. She smiled as she turned to the two heroes entering her rooms. Her pale skin was beaded with sweat from the exercise she did every night before bed. "Well, well, well, they have come at last." She said in a jilting voice, so much like the shadow user from before that they couldn't help making the connections. 

The sharp features, the almond eyes. 

Raven was Melany's mom. It would have shocked them had they not already heard it from the others, from Skye who bargained for her freedom. 

the story was that Raven's husband and brother had died in New York because of falling rubble. She had blamed the Avengers and let that corrupt her, and her daughter. 

Sad. In the way every one of their stories was sad. In the way that almost every one he cared about's story was sad. He had empathy, oh he did feel for these people, but no sympathy for those who chose to do evil and harm others in revenge. 

"This is to be my down fall?" The woman laughed a harsh laugh of heart breaking honesty as she took off her gloves. "I assume you've already gotten the rest of my fighters. I assume you've learned of my own powers. That you've thought this through with such carful attention to detail that there is no way I can beat you." She chuckled again as Percy and Annabeth nodded. 

"Just come with us." Percy said, stepping forward. "The Avengers will not harm you, you won't even be imprisoned. You and your 'fighters' will be trained by specialist nd you'll work for Shield to protect innocence people." It was the deal they had given them all. The deal the Percy had pulled tooth and nail from the Avengers for. 

"I suppose, that is the best option." She mused and held her hands out. Annabeth clamped down handcuffs on her wrists when Percy nodded. "And thus is the down fall of out little rebel group." 

Powerful New Member. (Percy Jackson + Avengers)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora