Case File: 394

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(I have no rights to the characters I only have rights to the story line. I'm not saying this again the Avengers belong to Marvel and Percy Jackson (and others) belong to Uncle Rick.)

On one of the many floors of the Stark tower sat two men. Tony Stark, the billionaire scientist, had a drink in his hand as he watched the news with his friend-Steve Rogers. Steve was known as Captain America to most others, but right now he wasn't wearing his red-white-and-blue suit. Along with the Captain-Tony Stark was known by another name, Iron Man. 

The two teammates made the very foundation of the Avengers, a super-powered force for good. Another one of their teammates stepped off of the elevator with the clicking of heels. A tightfitting black dress let her curves show-one of her most dangerous weapons. The Black Widow, a.k.a Natasha Romanoff, had a file in her hands and a smirk on her face. 

"Hey boys." She teased as she sat down on the glass coffee table in front of the two men, and crossed her legs. "I've got something you might want to see." The red head held out the file in her hand. Steve grabbed it from her, and she grabbed the drink from Tony's hand. 

"What are we supposed to do with information of a 17 year old kid?" Steve laid the file on the couch and Tony picked it up-he had a weird thing about being handed things. 

"Catch him and get information that's not in the file. Like why all the weird shit that happened, happened." Natasha shrugged and downed the glass of whisky. her red lips didn't even leave a smudge of the glass. 

"They want us to kidnap a kid?" Tony joked, flinging the file onto the table beside Natasha. "Why send us?" Natasha smirked as she picked up the file. Tony didn't like that one bit. 

"That, is due to the unusual occurrence of the others sent to get him winding up on our doorstep unconscious and with no clue how they got there." Her smirk fell as she elaborated. "They all remember watching him, then nothing-only waking up outside with slightly scrapped up faces." She pushed her hair behind her ear with a perfect red nail. 

"They think the kid is responsible for this?" Steve asked, skeptical of this entire operation. 

"No, they think he has protection-how would I kid do that, Steve?" Natasha rolled her eyes. 

"Well then just us, with the addition of Clint, should go." Steve rubbed at his chin as he thought. "Thor, Bruce, Vision, and Wanda don't need to be bothered-it shouldn't be that hard." Steven chuckled. "It's a kid after all." 

"Well then, it's settled. According to his file he should be at home right now, I'll see if the cameras can pick up anything." Tony started pressing things on his watch as he walked. "See you guys later then." He smirked as he left the room. 

Steve got up. "I don't think my suit is needed for this, but I'll wear it under my normal clothes-just in case." He said more to himself than anything. He mumbled to himself as he left. Leaving Natasha to glance at the file before walking out to get ready. 

One the table was the file.

On Percy Jackson.

Case File: 394

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