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"Are we nearly there yet?" The curly haired boy questioned.

I let out a small laugh, an attempt at masking the anxiety that was planted within me. I was already beginning to regret the surprise. Not for Harry's whining, nor his constant attempts of engaging in sexual activity. But for the fact that this could be too much. Too much to handle, too much to even begin to comprehend.

Harry was brave, he was strong. A built-in armour protecting bullet after bullet which was shot in his direction. I did not doubt for one moment that he would struggle to look back with fond memories, soak up the nostalgia with a smile on his face. I knew him, and I knew him well. Well enough to know that even through the rush of emotions, he would cling onto the broken fern on the side of the riverbank, pulling himself to recovery. Pulling himself up to the positivity.

I on the other hand, would struggle. I had always told myself I would never set foot back into the confines of the dark walls. My demons hid there, it was where they were born, where they learnt my deepest secrets. Secrets they would later use to destroy me, piece by piece, limb from limb. Until I was all but a soulless mess.

Harry began to rub circles across my knee, perhaps feeling my tension rising, or perhaps just knowing. He pulled me back to reality. A reality which was much clearer now. The birds sung, the sky was brighter, the air felt frostier, and his touch felt warmer. I was in a better place, perhaps there was another reason I was coming back.

Perhaps I came here to finally allow for my demons to perish, in the very place they had originally manifested.

Before I had time to realise, the journey was over. I found myself driving the familiar route. The silenced radio and me in the driver's seat being the only thing grounding me to the present.

"We're here." My own voice sounded foreign after being silent for so long.

"I'm scared, Louis I swear to god if I'm in some alley in the mid-,"

"I wish." I snorted, getting out of my side in order to walk around and lead Harry to the entrance.

"What does that even mean?" He asked as he clung to my side in faux fear, "I mean for all I know I could be standing on the edge of a cli-,"

And for the second time in a seemingly short timeframe I cut him off, by removing the thing in which had hindered his vision.

The gasp that escaped his bitten lips could have been be heard for miles I'm sure. And the sob that escaped shortly after shared a similar story.

"Why did you bring me here?"

I sighed, "I don't really know."

"It's just, a lot, you know?" Harry said, as he turned to me with tear filled eyes.

"I know," I said, "We can leave?"

"Do you want to leave?"

"What's with all the questions?" I let out a soft chuckle, yet it was rooted in my throat.

"Do you?" He persisted.

I paused, took a moment to think. I could leave, the same man I had arrived, or I could stay, and become the man I had strived to be. A man who was finally at peace with his story, with his life. No more remorse, and no more regret.

"No." The words escaped my mouth as if my subconscious had taken over the wheel.

He hummed, looking around, taking in every detail which had almost not aged a single day. His eyes locked with my own, again not having aged a single day. It all felt so familiar, yet it had been a lifetime.

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