Kaede Akamatsu

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This is the final one of the whole story, enter the last of my five favorites. :)


I dipped my hand into the large bag and I grabbed something, maybe this was a sign or something, so I took it out of the bag and I noticed that I picked up a spare piano key.

"Well, I hope you like music." Junko said. "Because you've got Kaede."

I felt a little on the lucky side, Kaede was such a sweet girl and a talented pianist.

"Hi there, Kevin." She greeted. "I guess we gotta go inside, huh?"

"Yep." I replied. "Let's go in."

We walked inside and I looked back to see Shuichi who felt like his heart was gonna burst out and Kaito was trying to cheer him up. I bet Shuichi had a crush on Kaede or something.

The closet door closed and now everything was dark, it felt kinda awkward. I always thought of Kaede as a beautiful girl and whenever she plays the piano, I find her melody soothing.

"Umm, where are you, Kevin?" She asked.

"I'm on your left." I answered before feeling a hand. "That's my shoulder."

"Oh, sorry, I didn't wanna fall over in the dark. It's a little scary for me."

"I can relate to that in some way. So umm...do you wanna play the game?"

Kaede hummed. "Well, how do I put this?"

"You're uncomfortable with it, right?"

"Yeah, don't tell anyone, but I was kinda hoping to do this with Shuichi."

I sighed. "Ah I see, perhaps if I wasn't picked by Junko first, it might've worked out."

"Oh no, I didn't mean anything bad by it. As long as it wasn't Kokichi or Kiyo, I'm alright being stuck in here for a few minutes. Especially since I now have the chance to talk to you."

"Huh? Me?"

"Yeah, there's just something about you that makes me curious. Like that one time when I was at the concert, which I wanna thank you for coming to by the way."

"No problem."

"Yeah, during my performance, I glanced at you opening your mouth, were you singing along?"

I rubbed my head. "Yeah, I was...but it's nothing special."

"I'm sure it's more than that. Could you perhaps be the ultimate vocalist?"

"Hah, I wish that was true." I then started humming.

"You know, I think you should give singing a go. That and performing would really improve your confidence."

I pondered. "Maybe, if I wasn't so shy about most things. I'll give it some thought during the summer holidays."

"Okay. But seriously, there's a lot I like about Shuichi and even though I'm a year older than him, I'm always happy when he and I are together. Although, we haven't confessed our love yet."

"Maybe he's waiting for the right time, which could be after the party I guess."

Kaede hummed. "Maybe, but that doesn't mean that I don't appreciate having friends. There are some guys like you who are easy to talk to and be friendly with. I really am glad that I know you."

"Well...thanks Kaede. That makes me feel good to know. Also, I wanna say that you're beautiful and very talented, the way you play the piano is amazing too."

She giggled. "Geez, you're flattering me. Give Shuichi a chance to do that too."

"Sorry." I laughed. "I just wanted to be a charmer even though you have someone else."

"I know and thank you. So about this game, what should we do?"

"How about we hug it out instead?"

She nodded. "Okay."

We put our arms around each other and we smiled as we hugged, it was silent for a few minutes. We then pulled away and just in time too, cause the closet door was opened.

"Alrighty, time's up." Junko said. "Did you hit the right notes, Kevin?"

"Ha! Piano joke!" Kokichi yelled from afar.

Ryoma sighed. "You sense of timing has a ways to go, you know that?" 

"I would agree with that statement." Keebo added.

"What happened in there?" Shuichi asked.

"It's alright Shuichi." Kaede answered before grabbing his hand. "Can we go somewhere else, please?"

"Oh uh okay..."

They then left the classroom in a rush whilst I rejoined with the group. This was a good party overall, but I had a feeling that those two were gonna have a night to remember.



ALL-RIGHT! I am all done with the story and it was fun to write since they were short. Hope you folks enjoyed this as well and remember to follow me if you want to see more from me.

Ultimate Seven Minutes (Danganronpa & Male OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang