Akane Owari

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Akane isn't one of my favorites, so I did what I could with this one.


I reached into the bag and pulled out a trainer that was in a sporty and white style. This confused me as there were a few students in here that were very athletic.

"Well this may surprise you, but you've got Akane." Junko said.

"Wait, this trainer belongs to her?" I responded.

"Darn right, I'm proud to wear them." Akane added. "I'll lightly punch whoever stole it later."

I heard a slight gulp from Kokichi who was somewhere in the crowd nearby.

"Haha! Have fun in there, Akane." Nekomaru said. "But don't push Kevin too hard."

"Yeah, I got it." Akane replied. "Come on, you. Let's go in."

I was slightly worried. "Uhh, okay."

"Pffft, make sure you bend his body." Hiyoko teased.

"Nah, that ain't happening." Akane replied as she stood in.

I went in afterwards and the door closed, this was very awkward for me. Akane's not exactly the smartest of the group I got to study with, but she means well when it comes to wanting to fight for someone. A part of me always believed that she and Nekomaru go well together.

"So, what are we supposed to do in here exactly?" Akane asked.

"Well, I think we're supposed to kiss even though its dark." I replied. "But we don't have to do that if you're not comfortable with that."

"Kissing in the dark? That's not exactly possible, I can't even see in here."

"Yeah, that's kinda obvious. But since its just us in here, we can also say a few things that's been on our minds for a while."

"Really? Well then...do you mind if I ask you something personal?"

I shook my head. "I don't mind, what do you wanna ask me?"

"Well, do you have someone in mind, like, do you like someone in our group?"

I hummed. "In all honesty, I don't. I just see myself as a close friend to all and that's fine for me."

"Really? That's me shocked for the night. Well, I have someone in mind."

"You do?"

"Yeah, look, I may not be a brainy person as someone like Hajime. But that doesn't mean I don't know how I feel. What I feel right now is something that I like about Nekomaru."

"You mean that you like him in some way?"

Akane sighed. "Yeah, he's kinda like my ideal partner, from when we're both training to giving out support to the rest of you guys when it comes to sports."

"I got that vibe on the first day I did the sports festival with you, which was fun by the way."

"Good to hear it. Also, because I have this kind of feeling with Nekomaru, I don't have that same feeling with you, if that makes sense."

I sighed. "Yeah, I can understand that. But it's alright, as long as I can remain a very good friend to you, that's all that matters to me."

"Thanks, Kev. You're a real top guy, you know that?"

"I guess I am...I may not be tough psychically, but I'm strong enough to be good about myself mentally."

"Anyways, I know we have to do something in this game. So why don't we just hug it out instead?"

I smiled. "If you want me to."

Akane and I shared a friendly hug and all was quiet for a few minutes. We pulled out and smiled at each other, one filled with sealed friendship and respect for each other.

"Yo Kev, I hope you do find someone someday." She said.

"Me too, but I'll enjoy my time at this academy for now." I replied.

Just then, the door opened and we stood out of the closet.

"Seriously, nothing happened in there?" Junko asked. "Where's the making out?"

"Sorry, but that's for someone else." Akane replied. "And it's none of your business either."

Junko groaned. "Whatever, anyways, next person!"

I just smiled and gave Akane a high-five, the times ahead with my friends was gonna be great.


So yeah, no romance here, because I do like Nekomaru and Akane together.

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