Kyoko Kirigiri

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Only two DR1 girls to go and the last of my five favorites is up next, I love her personality!


I felt something when I reached into the giant bag, I took it out to notice that I had grabbed a badge with the word detective written on it. Straight away, I knew who this belonged to.

"Well, isn't that lucky?" Junko commented. "You got the ultimate detective, well, the more attractive one at least."

"Hey, I heard that!" Shuichi called from afar.

"To be honest, I'm really jealous." Makoto said.

"Why do you say that?" Hajime asked.

"I'll tell you guys, later..."

Kyoko walked up to me and I handed the badge to her. "Thank you, Kevin."

I laughed nervously, this was already getting awkward.

"Alright time is money you two, in you go." Junko said.

Kyoko looked at me. "Well then, shall we?"

I nodded and we went inside the closet, the door closed behind us and now we were standing in the dark, it reminds me of that song by that band...I had forgotten the name though.

"So then, what are we supposed to do in here?" Kyoko asked.

"I think you have to kiss or hug the person and you can't come out until seven minutes have passed.." I answered. "But we don't have to do that if you don't want to."

"I see, then forgive me if this startles you, but I think it would prove beneficial if we went through with it." She hummed. "It would also depend on how much you know about relationships."

"Well, I know quite a lot, but I've never been in one." I pondered. "It's something that I hadn't thought about whilst studying here, but I'd like to be in one."

Kyoko tapped on my shoulder so I faced her. "I see, then we're both the same in that regard."

"What do you mean?"

"It means that I like you in a way that can be considered as more than liking a person."

That was when it clicked in my brain. "Ohhh, I understand now...then, I may have some feelings for you."

"I thought so and in a way, I'm glad to know that you like me in that way as well."

"But I am curious, what do you think Makoto would say about it?"

"I'm sure he'll be fine. He does have Sayaka and they've known each other for a long time."

I nodded. "Oh yeah, I remember now. So about this game."

"Yes, let us provide the evidence that we do like each other." She put her hands on my cheeks.

"Hehe, I had a feeling you were gonna say that."

I put my hands on her shoulders and we shared a soft and gentle kiss. We didn't move much, but we shared a close hug whilst kissing delicately. We then pulled away and I think we were both blushing.

"Tell me, Kevin. Did you take any mints before you arrived?" She asked with a slight grin.

"Yeah, you got me, I just wanted to look and smell good for the party." I answered. "I didn't wanna be a letdown to everyone."

"Well in all the times I got to know you during this year, you haven't let me down."

"That's good to about you and me?"

"Sure, I'd like to try this out next time. Perhaps a date would be sufficient."

"Yeah, I think it would be best to start with a date and see where it goes from there."

She hugged me close and I put my arms around her, only for the door to then open.

"Okay you both, time's up." Junko said.

We got out, then Kyoko took my hand and we began leaving the classroom.

"Huh? Where are we going?" I asked.

"I've changed my mind, I'd like to do a thorough investigation on you." Kyoko answered, blushing all the while. "Let's go over to my place."

Makoto muttered something as we left. "Lucky bastard..."


Even though I'm a MakotoXKyoko shipper, I just couldn't resist towards the end. xD

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