{9} walk in the garden

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((now time for some tom tord :3 ))

Tom stood on his mattress in front of the closed window. Tord walked in, confusion drawn all over his face. Tord just stared blankly at Toms wings, tilting his head a bit. 

"Why are we in here..?" Tord asked, even more confused. Tom giggled, turning around to face the other male. 

"A secret place..." Tom giggled more, walking back to the window. Tom still made eye contact with Tord. Tord noticed how close Tom was getting, too close. 

"You're going to... fall..." Jumping on the bed, Tord muttered the last part. Tom has fallen out the window. Tord slowly made his way to the window, peeping out. Something at a fast speed flew in front of his sight, gripping onto his arm. Tord was pulled out the window into the sky. 

"You're not going to die, trust me." A voice called out to Tord. Tord opened one eye, when did he close his eyes? He saw Tom holding onto him and himself holding back, tightly.  

Tord loosened his grip, pulling away from the warmth of the embrace. "S-Sorry..." Tord muttered, now flapping his own wings to float in the sky with Tom. 

Tom giggled. "Don't be! I was the one who scared you." Tom smiled warmly. "Now follow me and be fast." Tom did a mini-salute with his pointer and middle finger before falling backward. Tord soon dove down after. Tom skimmed the ground, passing by the small flowers at an increasing speed. Soon heading into bushes. Tord just closed his eyes and followed. 

Tom slowed down, standing in front of a glistening waterfall. Trees closed off the area from seeing any cloud buildings. Flowers decorated the ground among the tall white fluffy ground. Tom fell roughly to the floor as Tord crashed into him with an 'oof'. 

"S-Sorry..." Tord stuttered, getting off of Tom and helping him up. Tom burst into laughter. "Whats so funny..?' Tord asked, tilting his head.

Tom calmed himself down from the outburst of laughs. "I never thought you were one to crash. Anyway, wanna see my treehouse?" Tom asked, retrieving his hand from Tords grip and placing it on his neck nervously. Tord nodded slowly. "Great!" Tom chirped, grabbing Tords hand again. 

Tom dragged Tord towards a large number of trees surrounding the area. Tom let go of the others hand, running towards a massive tree with a ladder leading to a huge bush of bright green leaves. Tord ran after him, climbing the ladder. 

Tom sat on one of the many bean bags among the teddy, pillows, bookshelves, and blankets. Tord sat next to one of the bigger teddys, leaning against it. "Welcome to the place where I taught my self 'everything'!" Tom said, raising his arms in the air.

"Heh... nice place..." Tord complimented. Tom only nodded, not sure what to say. "What can we do in here?" Tord asked, tilting his head a bit.

"Movie?" Tom asked, receiving a nod from the other male. Tom dug through the blankets, finding movies and a laptop. "You need to come closer," Tom said, putting in a movie and sitting on the floor. Tord slowly but surely made his way over to Tom. 

The movie played and it was one of those old fashion ones. 

halfway through, Tom wrapped his one wing around Tord. He leaned his head against his shoulder, soon falling asleep. 

After the movie, Tord turned off the laptop and placing it under the blankets where he saw Tom dig. He carefully laid Tom down on the blankets, laying next to him. Tord drooped his arms around Tom.

He took in Toms features. Tom had slight bags under his eyes. Freckles here and there on his pale skin. His soft snores and breathing rhythm slowly lulled Tord to sleep. He had to admit, he looked adorable and peaceful sleeping. 


Tom awoke to be in someone's arms. He looked up to see Tords face, his grey eyes half-lidded as for his hand ran through Toms' hair. "Mornin' sleepy head..." Tord whispered, continuing to play with Toms' hair. 

"What time is it..?" Tom yawned out. Tord only looked out the hole in the wall, or 'window'. "Morning? really! shit shit shit..." Tom muttered, getting out of Tords grasp. 

Tord sat up, tilting his head. "Whats wrong?" He asked, confusion drawn on his face. 

"I... I.. I have training with my father! I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!" Tom whimpered, sitting back next to Tord. 

"Don't worry about it. I'm sure everything will be okay." Tord reassured, wrapping an arm around Toms' shoulders. Tom nodded, mumbling a 'yeah' before leaving. Tord followed Tom down the ladder and back to the house ((rather say castle?)) 


Tord waited for Tom by flipping through the channels on the TV. A girl walked over into the room, Edd, and Matt behind her. "Hey, are you with these two?" The girl asked, pointing to Edd and Matt.

"Yeah... why..?" Tord asked, suspicion coming over him. He stood and walked over to the three. 

"Because I'm teaching these idiots their powers..." She muttered. Tord immediately held her up on the wall by her throat. She gripped his hands, struggling to be free.

"Don't call them idiots..." Tord hissed, dropping her onto the floor. She rubbed her hand on her throat, in a way to help the small pain. 

"Sorry... jeez don't need to strangle me..." She huffed, standing back up. Tord shot her a glare before standing by his friends.

"Explain these... powers?" Tord asked, tilting his head at Edd. Edd explained everything, leaving out the 'love control' part of Tom. Tord nodded. "Alright, I would like to kill her one day..." Tord chuckled a bit. "But sadly, I'm waiting for Tom. I prefer him over these powers...' Tord said, walking back over to the couch. 

"You know, he is a royal. You cant date him." Emily huffed, crossing her arms. 

"I forgot about that..." Tord sighed. Edd sat beside Tord, resting a hand on his shoulder. 

"Tord, I'm sure if royal or not, Tom would still date you.." Edd reassured, giving a disappointed glance at Emily. Emily sighed, walking out the room.

"Come on, Edd. We should go." Matt said, looking at his shoes. Edd nodded, hugging Tord before he left. 

Tord smiled stupidly to himself. He was thinking about what Edd had said. He also knows Edd is going to tease him later but he didn't care. 


"What the...?" Tord muttered, making his way to the king's room. He slowly opened the door, a massive purple monster stood there.


remember! this story is for entertainment and my boredom reasons! haha..

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