{5} Taking flight

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(I forgot a title name for the last chapter... oops!)

Edd opened up google on his laptop, typing in places for winged people. A photo of a cloud city with rainbow waterfalls appeared next to a box of text that read.

'If your apart of the winged, we have a special place for you here in Cloud City! The only way to get here, of course, is flying! You will be completely safe here from winged hunters. The city is in an unknown area to them. If you would like directions to contact this number;
You also need to prove your a winged. Hope you come visit!'

Edds eyes sparkled with excitement. He wrote down the number on a piece of scrap paper, closing off the laptop. Edd ran out his room, to find his phone on the coffee table. He dialed the number, placing the phone to his ear.


Tom rolled over, falling to the floor with a 'thud'. Tord jolted up, after hearing the loud thud. Tom groaned, pushing himself off the floor. Tord looked over at Tom.

"Are you okay?" Tord asked, concern in his voice. Tom sat back against his bed frame, pushing the pillows out the way.

"Yeah, except colliding with the floor first thing I wake up, everything is... peachy?" Tom shrugged, noticing he's shirtless and his wings were out. Tord took notice of this.

"Hey, hey, your wings are beautiful," Tord reassured. Tom just looked down at his lap, nodding. "Oh! Do you wanna join Edd, Matt and I to go for a holiday somewhere? Edd doesn't know where yet." Tord asked, hope in his eyes.

Tom nodded. "Yeah, sure." Tord gleamed with happiness and excitement. 

"I'll go ask Edd if he found a place yet." Tord grinned widely, showing his sharp teeth. e then left the room, leaving Tom alone.

"I hate my wings... why can't anyone else see that..?" Tom mumbled, asking himself. He was about to have a conversation with himself till a squeal of excitement came from downstairs. Tom slid off the bed, heading downstairs. 

"I've always wanted to go there!" Tord squealed his arms in the air. He was childish around his closest friend. That only one friend being Edd. Tom raised an eyebrow.

"Whats this about?" Tom asked. Edd whispered something to Tord that couldnt be heard by Tom. Tord nodded to whatever Edd had said. "What?" Tom asked again. 

"We are leaving later today, but I cannot tell you where to..." Tord trailed off, looking at Edd. "Its a surprise." Tord finished. Tom nodded. "Tords eyes filled with excitement. Tord ran to Tom, grabbing his arm and pulling him upstairs to their room with lightning speed. 

"I was just downstairs a second ago..."Tom whispered, shocked at Tords speed. Tord laughed, pulling out two suitcases from the closet. One red and black, the other one blue and white. 

"Let's start packing! We are leaving soon." Tord chirped. Tom laughed, nodding and agreeing with his new frenemy. 


Everyone had finished packing and changed into different color shirts matching their hoodie colors they usually wear. "Let's fly!" Edd chirped, holding his green suitcase and heading for the abandoned park. The other three followed. 

Passing strangers would question themselves why the four were carrying suitcases. Once reaching the park, they all took off their shirts and spread out their wings. Seeing it now, Toms was the biggest sized wings there. Matt noticed his friend uncomfortable state, walking over to his friend and hugging him with his arms and brown wings. "Are you okay with flying? I know it been a long time since you have been in the sky. But don't need to worry." Matt reassured in a whisper. 

Tom looked up at his best friend. A  smile tugged at his lips. "Thanks, Matt, but I think ill be able to fly. Maybe crash a bit..." Tom whispered back to his friend. Matt nodded, pulling away from the hug. 

They all held their bags and shirts in hand. Edd flapped his pure white wings, soon taking off. Next was Matt. Then Tord, but Tord didn't fly yet. He looked over at Tom, Toms expression was filled with worry and fear. "Hey, can you fly?" Tord asked, walking over to Tom.

Tom just stared at the sky, slowly shaking his head. "It has been years since I last had a flight..." Tom murmured, loud enough for Tord to still hear. 

Tord held Toms hand in his. "We will take off together then." Tord chirped, spreading his wings, ready to start flapping. Tom copied his actions, but with bigger, blue wings. Tords black, with red, highlighted wings started to flap along with Toms white, black and different blue wings. The two soon took off into the colorful sky. Orange, red, purple and blues mixed together in the sky.

"Okay, sooo its this way!" Edd chirped, heading towards the sun. "Matt gave a quick thumbs up and smile to Tom before following Edd. Tord stilled held onto Toms' hand. The two followed the other two, Tom, about to crash but Tord helped keep him steady. 

Usually, Tord shouldn't be like this, but something told him otherwise.  

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