{7} returning home

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"Wait, Tom! I need to get dressed!" Tord yelled, running into the bedroom to change. Tom sighed. Sitting on the couch. Tom had texted Edd, that he and Tord were going to be busy. Tord soon came back out, all dressed and ready. "Okay let's go!" Tord chirped. Tom nodded and the two left.


"Here it is..." Tord chirped, excitement sparked in his grey, red tinted eyes. Tom remembered this place. He sighed and walked to the doors.


"Coming!" A voice called.

The door opened, a male in a royal blue robe opened the door. His hair spiked upwards, similar to Toms.

Tord lowered his head. "Hello sir, my friend here wanted to talk with you." Tord chirped. The king just nodded slowly, taking in Toms features.

"Uhh... come inside..." The king made way to let the two inside. Tom was first, followed by Tord. "Welcome to my house. Take a seat." The king gestured to the navy blue couches, taking a seat himself. Followed by Tom and Tord. "So what would you like to talk about?" The king asked.

"I'm so sorry father..." Tom sighed, looking at his lap. The king had tears of joy in his eyes. Tord just sat there, shocked by what Tom had said. "I'm sorry for leaving. I'm sorry for not listening. I'm sorry I hated this place. I'm sorry about mother. I'm sorry for leaving you alone!" Tom had tears streaming down his face. The king wrapped his arms around his son, Tom hugging back.

"Sssshhhhhh... it's okay... I should be sorry... I didn't treat you right.... and I'm sorry for being a terrible father...." The king lets go of his son. Tears streaming down both of their faces.

"It's okay, Dad," Tom said, wiping away his own tears.

Tord just sat there. He lived with a royal. AND HE DIDNT EVEN KNOW IT!!

"I know you brought more than just this boy here, Thomas. You are welcomed to stay here in this place, and your friend of course. For however long you want." The king offered, smiling. Tom nodded.

"Thanks... but please just call me Tom?" Tom asked. His father nodded. "Thanks." Tom smiled and so did his father.


"So your royal!!" Edd squeaked. Tom nodded. The four friends were walking back to Toms house. The four were shirtless and showing their wings. Tom didn't mind, everyone says their size and color. Reminding them of their king. Some people would even bow or say something like 'the prince is back!'

"Here we are!" Tom chirped, opening the door to HIS house. He knew this place too well. Golden pillars held up the place. Clouds were the walls, like everything else. The furniture was really like the surface. Gold lined the walls too. 

((its hard to describe things like these for me... :p))

"Your back! And I see you brought your other two friends!" The king appeared from the kitchen. "There are two free rooms upstairs! Toms and a spare one! You guys will have to share with someone if you don't mind!" The king yelled from the kitchen.

"Okay, father!" Tom yelled, dragging his friends upstairs. Tom opened the door to his old room. It was a dump. Things still scattered everywhere from the night he left.

"Omg! Is this how you left it?" Tord asked, surprised.

"Well, I was pretty mad for living here. Like in the world known story. I HATED this place. Now I'm back if you tell that to my past self I would not believe it." Tom laughed, walking over knocked over picture frames, glass, and clothing. Tom sat on his bed. It was still made since he didn't sleep in it the night he left.

Tears pricked at Toms' eyes, soon spilling. Tord was the first to notice. He hated seeing Tom like this. Tord walked over the items scattering the floor. He sat beside Tom, hugging him. Tom immediately hugged back, not caring who it is. Tom sobbed into Tords bear chest. Tord looked over at Matt and Edd.

Matt covered himself with his wings. He spread them out again. Matt covered himself again. He spread them out again. Motioning for Tord to wrap his wings around Tom. Tord nodded, soon wrapping his black with red highlighted feathered, wings around Tom. Tom soon wrapped his wings around Tords.

Tom started to calm down, he liked the warmth the two wings gave off. He ended up falling asleep, his wings behind his back and not wrapped around Tords. But Tord still wrapped his around Tom for a bit longer.

Tord wanted to stay like that. But he had to remove his wing. Matt and Edd walked over. The four friends lay on the blue, double bed. Tord still held Tom close. Edd and Matt fangirled a bit. "Awww cuties!" Matt chirped. Tord shook his head, looking to the peaceful Tom in his arms.

"I cooked some foo- oh... I'll leave you guys be then..." Toms father appeared from the doorway. "Tord, take good care of him..." he said before leaving back to the kitchen. Tord was left confused. Did he just get permission to date, Tom?? But doesn't he need a queen?? Wait never mind. Tord knows how to create a child from their DNA's. Tord had studied science and technology at school. So he picked up a few useful things.

Edd and Matt burst into quiet laughter from Tords expression. "I don't even like him like that... I think..." Tord mumbled, making Edd and Matt laugh more. 

Soon the two boys calmed down. "Matt and I were planning to go explore the place. Bye Tord!" Edd waved to Tord. Matt has dragged out the room.

"Good luck!" Matt yelled before leaving. 

Tord shook his head. He got comfortable on the huge bed with Tom. Tord played with Tom's hair, slight purrs escaped the other in sleep. Tord giggled and continued.


Edd dragged Matt downstairs. "Hows my son?" The king asked before the two left. 

"I hope Tord and Tom get together!" Matt chirped. Receiving a laugh from Edd.

"Me too, Matt, But they HATE each other." Edd reminded. Matt noded

"Buuuuuuuuttttt rrrrriiiiiigggghhhhhtttt NOW!" Matt chirped. The other two were confused until.

"WHAT THE HELL COMMIE!!???" Toms' voice rang through the house. A laugh then came. 

Wings {completed}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें