{8} powers

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"How did you?- Wait, I'm not even going to ask" The king sighed. Tom walked down the stairs with a red face. "What happened?" The king asked his son.

"Fucking commie..." Tom muttered. "I don't wanna talk about it..." Tom walked into the kitchen to get a drink.

Tord soon walked down, a few laughs escaping him. "Tord. What did you do this time?" Edd crossed his arms. He was mad, in a motherly way.

"You know how Tom fell asleep in my arms?" The three nodded. "I started to play with his hair a bit." Tord brought up his hand to his neck. "He uhhh... started to purr like a cat... which was cute, I must admit. But I wanted to go home sooooo..." Tord trailed off, wondering if he should continue. "I licked his cheek. Then he woke up and yelled at me and slapped me. I deserved it." Tord shrugged. The king burst into laughter. The same with Matt. 

But not Edd. "So you would call him cute?" Edd asked, a smirk plastered on. Tords eyes widened, a blush coming to his cheeks.

"Whaa? I-I... uhhh... Y-Yesss...? N-N-Noooo?? MAYBE!" Tord stuttered. His face was completely red. Probably darker than his hoodie. 

"YOU LIKE MY BEST FRIEND!!" Matt squeaked.

"Who likes me?" Tom asked, walking into the room.

"WELL-" Edd placed his hand over Matts' mouth. 

"What if they don't want to tell him?" Edd whispered to Matt. Matt got the idea and nodded. "Its a surprise Tom! But I'm sure you wouldn't expect it!" Edd chirped, turning towards Tom.

"Uhhh... okay?  I'm going for a walk in the gardens. If you wanna join..? maybe..." Tom offered, shrugging. 

"Tord should go with you! You two do need to make up for before..." Edd looked at Tord with a disappointed look. 

"Uhhh... sure.." Tord said, not completely sure how this will go. 

Tom nodded. "Sure. Let's go. I have a secret place there." Did Tom rush out the room to his.. room? Tord only followed not questioning it.

((we will see what they did next time))

"They need to get together on this holiday!" Matt chirped. A determination tone. The two agreed. 

"What was the place Tom was talking about?" Edd asked the king, hoping he would know. The king looked at his feet.

"Well, I haven't seen it. But he would escape to the garden through his window to visit that place. That place is very special to him. Its where he would escape from his different types of training. He would just go there if he felt he needed to escape. Where he would think. Where he learned how to do things by himself." The king explained.

"What sort of training?" Matt had to ask. The king sighed. That was a family secret but then, Matt and Edd were like the only family Tom didn't have.

"Well, I can see your like family to Tom so I'll tell you. But you cannot tell anyone else." The two nodded. "Also don't tell Tord." The two nodded again. "His training was for becoming a king, obviously. But he would even ignore the one training he needed the most. Power control." 

"Wait! Tom has powers??" Matt asked, tilting his head to the side.

"Yes, he has powers. But he has no control over it from my memory. He can't control them by himself unless he had the training at a young age. So he needs someone to help him. By help I mean love them. That's why Tord cant know. He won't truly love my son otherwise. You're probably wondering what powers he has. Well, every winged person used to have them. But as time went on, they forgot about those powers till only the royals knew. The side effect of losing control didn't affect them strangely. Tom has the powers of protecting his loved ones. Which are you three? Basically like a wolf pack, he would still protect Tord because you two are friends with him." He took a breath, sighing. "From what Tord had said earlier, Tom purrs yes. He has in-winged-human strength. He has another two forms. But normally winged people only have one. Their other forms are usually their most deadly depending on their wings. Example for Tords, he has another form that is WAY more deadly than his form now. Tom has that form too, but another that causes his animal-like growls and purrs. I haven't seen that form or either of them. I also don't know how Tom got that animal side..." The king finished.

"Woah! Can you teach us powers??" Edd asked. The king nodded.

"But then once you learn them, you would need to learn to take control on your own." The king warned. 

"Okay! I'll do it!" Edd chirped, bouncing in excitement. Matt nodded, agreeing with his friend.

"Great! Training starts now. EMILY!" A girl with skinny jeans and a white crop top came into view. Her raven black hair flowed behind her. She had wings, their color being light black and purple. One wing seems to be damaged badly.

"Emily, could you help these two boys to unlock their powers and their other form? I know you have a bad past with that stuff, but please help them out. Your the best." The king asked. The cat-like green-eyed girl sighed, nodding. 

"Great! training starts now! good luck." 

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