{3} hints

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I have no friends so I write in my boredom.. heh...

~5 days later~

"They found out five days ago?!" Tom yelled at Matt. Currently, they were out on a walk by them selfs. Matt nodded. "Don't worry, I didn't tell him about yours. I know how much you hate yours. I don't know why you do. They are rare!" Matt chirped. "Thanks... I guess... never say they are a good thing ever again." Tom huffed. "Fine, fine... When are you planning on telling them? They trust you with their wings." Tom sighed at Matts question. "Hopefully never, like I've said, I hate them." "Oh well, I tried." Matt shrugged. Soon the two arrive home. 

Tom walked into his shared room. Tord was stretching his wings out. "Close your wings, commie. I don't wanna get hit." Tom growled. In less then five days, Tom and Tord have started to... dislike each other. They usually fight every day, sometimes physical. "Sorry no wings, but you don't understand how much they hurt tucked away." Tord snapped. "You wouldn't believe me if I did..." Tom muttered, quiet enough so Tord couldnt hear. "What was that, Jehovah?" Tord asked, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow. "Nothing," Tom growled. "Yeah okay." Tord finished stretching and laid on his bed. Drifting off to sleep. Yeah, he has to stay in here now so he has a proper bed now. Tom face planted into his pillow, getting comfortable on his bed and drifting off. 

Tord fluttered his eyes open, Tom wasn't in the room. Tord had noticed a blue feather on the floor. He picked it up for further examination. There were multiple shades of blue. White and black here and there. "Odd..." Tord mumbled. He placed the feather on his side table drawer. Tord stumbled out the room, downstairs to the living room. Tom sat on the single couch while Edd and Matt sat on the four seated couch. The two had their wings out, leaving enough room for Tord and his wings. Tord joined his friends in watching TV. Nothing interesting was on, so he thought about that mystery feather. Why was it there? 

"I'm going out for a walk," Tom stated. Edd and Matt were glued to the TV to take notice. Tord looked out the window. "At this time? its dark out." Tord asked. "Yeah, why not? Besides I'm going by myself. Don't follow me." Tom growled, heading out the door. Tord waited about ten minutes and then left, leaving a sticky note where he sat.

Tom was headed to the abandoned park. Then he felt it. Someone was following him. Instead of going to the park, he ended up at the store. At least he had a reason to be here. That reason is Smirnoff. 

Tord followed Tom, down to the abandoned park? No. He instead trailed off to the store. Probably to refill his stash... Tord thought. Tord leaned against the store wall outside, in a dark area, so Tom wouldn't spot him. Again. Tord spotted the same feather outside the store. Picking it up, Tord shoved it into his hoodie pocket. Tom walked out the store with two six packs of Smirnoff. Tord followed him back home.

~A week later~

Every morning Tord has found a blue themed feather in his room. Whenever he follows Tom, sometimes there's one by that area. By now he had a drawer with feathers covering the bottom of the wooden surface. He sat on the couch with Edd and Matt. Tord decided to them about his suspicions. "Why are we here?" Matt asked. "And without Tom?" Tord looked over at Matt. "I only wanted to tell you two, I actually trust you two." Tord sighed. "I've been finding feathers that look similar to this one-" Tord pulled out a feather from his hoodie pocket that he's been seeing a lot recently. "-I don't know where they are coming from. But one always appear in my shared room with Tom. When I follow him to places, sometimes the same feather is there." Tord explained. "May I?" Edd asked, holding his hand out. Tord nodded and handed him the feather.

stupid Tom! cant even clean up his own feathers... I guess ill help him out... Matt thought. "Those feathers sorta look familiar... I think Toms been to his sisters to visit her bird." Matt spat out. Tom doesn't even have a sister! and if he did she wouldn't have a bird!! Matt scolded himself. "Oh okay. Thanks.." Tord said, still suspicious. 


maybe one more chapter.... I have so much time! bleh.

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