{2} New Roommate

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~one week or so later~

Rays of light slip through the closed, baby blue curtains. Shinning into the blue themed room and onto a certain eyeless male. The sleeping male twist and turns, slowly waking from the blinding lights covering his face.

His eyes flutter open, sitting up and swinging his legs over the side of the bed. The eyeless male waddles over to his draws, pulling out his usual blue hoodie and skinny jeans. Changing from his sleepwear and into his blue hoodie, Tom heads outside his room. 

"BREAKFAST IS READY!" A voice soon yelled from downstairs. Tom headed to the dining table, Matt trailing behind him. Matt and Edd sat across from Tom, the three eating their own meals of bacon, eggs, and toast. 

"Hey... uhhh guys?" Edd shyly said. "Yes, Edd?" Tom asked, wanting to know. "Just wanted to let you two know. We are getting another roommate..." Edd looked down at his food. Matt looked like he was about to scream from excitement. "He's a friend of mine... and Tom could he stay in your room?" Edd asked, looking up and a hopeful expression on his face. Tom sighed before nodding. "If he doesn't touch my stuff I'm fine with it." "Thank you!" Edd chirped, a massive smile on his face. 

The three watch TV. A knock interrupted them. Edd got up to answer the door, a grin plastered his face. Placing his hand on the doorknob, soon twisting it and opening the door. "Hello, old friend!" The mysterious male said. "Tord!" Edd chirped. Edd stood aside so his friend could come in. Tom and Matt got up from the couch and walked over. Tord saw the other two males, turning to his friend and whispered in his ear. "Do they know?" Edd shook his head left and right. Tord sighed, turning back to the other two males. "Tord, This is Matt. Matt, This is Tord" Edd introduced. Matt smiled warmly. Tord held out his hand to shake with Matts but instead was pulled into a hug. "Hello, Todd!" Matt chirped, pulling away from the hug. "Tord." Tord sighed. A few laughs escaped Toms' mouth. "Youll get used to it." Tom held out his hand for Tord. "I'm Tom, by the way, the guy you're sharing a room with." Tord nodded. "Also don't touch my stuff and we won't have any problems." "Alright." Tord agreed. 


Tord sat on his blow up mattress while Tom sat on the bed. Tom scrolled through his social media on his phone while Tord just looked around the room. The red hooded male recently just finished unpacking. He noticed a bass leaning against the wall. "You play the bass?" Tord asked, looking over at Tom. Tom looked up from his phone to his bass. "Yeah I do, but I don't like playing around it others." Tord nodded. "Heh... would have been cool if you could." Tom sighed, looking at his phone again. "That's what everyone sa-" "TODD!!" Matt yelled, barging into the room. "What is it, Matt?" Tord asked, not bothered that Matt said his name wrong. "Edd asked me if i could ask  you if you wanted to go to the store with us." Tord shrugged. "I have nothing else to do." "Okay, let's go! Tom, you have to stay here." Tom nodded. "Sure." 

After hearing the front door close, Tom hopped off the bed to retrieve his bass. He started to play a song he remembered from his head; Message Man. (its up above) 

~with the other three~

Matt held a hand over his mouth, holding in giggles. Edd opened and closed the front door to make the illusion they went to the store. "So we don't need to go to the store?" Tord whispered. Edd nodded. "Tom only plays his bass when he's alone. He thinks he is riiiight now." Matt whispered back. Strums of a bass could be heard throughout the halls of the house. 

The three tiptoe up the stairs and in front of Tom and Tords room. So they could hear better. Tord sat beside the door, getting a slight, small view of Tom while he plays. Edd and Matt sat on the other side of the door frame. "He's good.." Tord whispered more quietly.  

Tom sensed others nearby but just shook the thought off. soon the sense of others came stronger. He couldn't ignore it anymore. Sighing Tom placed back his bass, grabbing a hidden harpoon from his draws. He crept towards the door. Jumping out, he turned around and pointed the harpoon at the three figures by his door. Tords silver eyes widen, along with Edds brown eyes. Matt looked bored. "Classic Tom." Matt sighed. "uhh sorry.." Tom lowered his harpoon. "I thought you guys went to the store?" Tom raised an eyebrow. Ignoring that Tord stared at the harpoon. "How did that pass by me... when you two came..?" Edd asked, still shocked. "Well, I have my ways.." Tom said, scratching the back of his head. "Why..?" Tord muttered, but loud enough. "To keep my friends safe, why else?" Tom exclaimed. "Tom could you put that away, while I go make all of us, our dinner." Tom nodded, heading back to his room and Matt went to his. 

Tord followed Edd downstairs and into the kitchen. Edd got out some cooking supplies while Tord leaned on the counter. "Edd, I know your planning on telling them. But what if they take it the wrong way?" Tord asked. "I know they won't." Edd chirped. "But Edd! their humans! And Tom! Did you not see his harpoon? What if he is like 'them' and wants to kill us!" Tord worried. Edd sighed. "Tom said to protect his friends, us. I'm sure he won't kill us." Tord calmed down a bit. "Hopefully. I'm taking flight, Cya Edd." Tord waved to Edd, heading outside.

Tord walked down the streets, looking for the abandoned park. Looking left and right, he found the path. Strolling down the path, the wrecked park comes into view. Tord walked into the big spaced out area in the middle. Taking off his hoodie, he placed it under a rock. 

Wings fluttered out of his back. Black with highlights of dark red feathers sprawled out every which way. They were huge and complemented the black night sky. Tord started to flap his wings, soon to be lifted into the air. He flew up above the soft, fluffy clouds to stay hidden. 

"This feels so much better.." Tord murmured to himself. "I know! Right?" Tord turned around for his gaze to be met with a familiar ginger head, sitting in the clouds. "Matt?" Tord asked, quite shocked. "The one and only!" He chirped. Matts wings were folded behind his back as he sat in the clouds. Multiple shades of brown were the colors of his feathers. Tord flapped his wings over to Matt, sitting next to him on the cloud. "Does Tom have wings too?" Tord asked. 

Matt thought about this. Not himself right? anyway. Would Tom want his secret out? probably not. Tom doesn't like his wings. Matt shook his head. "No, he doesn't. But you can trust him. I heard your conversation with Edd. He won't hurt you. Unless he has to hurt you." Matt explained. Tord nodded. "So does Edd have wings?" Matt asked. "Yes, he does. I guess it's just us three." Matt nodded. "What color?" "Edd has pure white feathers. He is the kindest obviously, but then he is the weakest..." Tord explained. Matt nodded. "And that means your very deadly." Tord nodded. "Yeah, but I'm trying to be nice to you and Tom. I don't trust easily." Matt nodded. "Same with Tom." 

The two talked some more and got closer. They flew around the sky for a bit before heading home. Tom and Edd were in their rooms. Two plates of food were left out on the kitchen counter. Tord headed into his shared room. Tom was laid out on the bed, fast asleep. Light snoring could be heard. Tord smiled lightly. He changed in the connecting bathroom. He flopped onto his blow up mattress. Curling up in his blankets he fell into a deep, dreamless sleep quite quickly. 

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