Pierced And Broken

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A/N: Hi world! It's Sterling and I will be co writing this story with my bestie Grace! Here's the first chapter!")

*Hope's POV*


I groan as my alarm clock wakes me up. I have my first day of school today, high school. I sigh as I stand and take a shower. I dig through my closet until I find what I'm looking for and get dressed. I put on black skinny jeans. black combat boots, a Green Day tshirt, and a black beanie. I straiten my platinum blond hair and tease the back a little. After that I put on makeup, black mascara and a thick layer of eyeliner and to top it off, blood red lipstick. I put on a studded belt and head downstairs. I grab an apple from the kitchen where my mom and little brother are eating.

"Hope, must you dress like a possessed vampire?" My mother says in a bitter voice.

"Yes mother, I must." I say in a mocking voice. I then grab my black backpack and walk out the door. I slip in my ear buds and turn the volume up so I can't hear anything else. And thus begins the hot tiring walk to school, I hate living in Arizona.

I see the building up ahead. Tempe High School, the worst place in the world. it's bad enough that the school is totally unfair but there has to be a bunch of mean popular kids and girls trying to be hipster. I sigh for what seems like the billionth time this morning and walk forward. I can see all of the popular girls standing in a circle talking out front. As I walk past one screams,

"Emo!" They should really come up with some better insults, these ones are getting old.

$ $ $


I jump slightly when I hear the bell ring, I slept through all of first period! I quickly collect my things and walk out of class and to my second period, P.E. I hate P.E. I walk down the hall when I'm suddenly smashed into a locker. The lead bitch Karen stands over me with her little minions at her side. She turns to the girl on her right,

"This keeps happening, I keep having to put the emos in their place. First this morning with that other girl, and now you." She turns to me, grabs me by the hair, and slams my head against the locker. "Now I'll tell you this once," she hisses, " you and all your other little emo friends, stay out of my way." She again slams my head against the locker the flounces away with her little helpers.

I groan and rub the back of my head, there's probably gonna be a huge bruise there. I straiten my shirt and walk to the bathroom. I fix my hair then the bell rings. deciding to skip second period, I walk out of the bathroom to the exit of the school. I hear someone talking when I turn the corner. a bunch if jocks are beating up some guy.

"Go kill yourself." one says and punches him.

"Stop it!" I yell and run over to them.

"Oh yeah, and who's gonna make us?" the biggest one asks.

"Me." I respond with a glare. another slaps me, actually slaps me. I fall to the ground because of the impact. The guys laugh then walk away. I rub my cheek as I help the boy up. He has a huge bruise on the side of his face. He is tall and skinny with long black hair and stunning blue eyes.

"Are you okay?" He asks in a surprising deep voice. I laugh a little.

"Me? I only got slapped. Are you okay?" He smirks a little,

"Yeah. I'm fine. It's nothing new to me."

"Yeah. so what your name?" I ask him.

"Andy Biersack, you?"

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