Chapter 18: If not love - Part 1

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Elijah's POV

I was pacing up and down the grand hallway in our house, taking in what Elena had said. She is pregnant. The woman I am deeply in love with is pregnant with my brother's baby. My sister was sitting on the fountain edge, staring at me as if I were about to break.

"Elijah, it may be an awful mistake. It may not even be true." Rebekah said, looking at me with wide eyes. I stopped in front of her, angrily. I understand that she is trying to make me feel better, yet she shouldn't come up with horrid, plain pathetic excuses.

"Sister, Elena is pregnant. There is nothing odd about it, now if you please, I would like to have some time to myself, whether or not you're in the room – please be quiet." I said, begin to pace once again.

The door of the parlor opened, Elena and Klaus walked out hand in hand. Elena smiled at him, he stared back at his... girlfriend. Rebekah got up from the fountain and walked towards them.

"I'd formally like to welcome you to the Mikaelson family. We are sisters now." Rebekah stated, her eyes glistened at the thought, having a sister. Elena smiled and embraced Rebekah into a tight hug, tears formed in both their eyes.

Klaus looked at the sight and back at me, his eyes dimmed and his face dropped. We both knew what this meant for our relationship.

"Brother." He said, he walked up to me.

"Niklaus, not right now." I began, I walked up to the trio who was standing in front of me. Elena and Rebekah looked at me with wide eyes, they pulled away from the hug.

"Elena, welcome to the family. I'd like to congratulate you both on your child." I finished, I walked away with a gentle smile, Elena looked at me once more and back at the ground.

Elena's POV

As Elijah walked away, my heart tightened. Now, there is nothing in the way of Klaus and I, besides the mere feeling of guilt that was now throbbing in my chest. I was pregnant. A vampire, pregnant. Something no one has ever heard of. Although Klaus seemed happy when he told me, I saw the look in his eyes – fear. There was something he wasn't telling me.

"I must be off then, Kol is waiting for me outside – we have some witches to talk to. I'll see you both later." She smiled at us both, she walked out – leaving Klaus and I there alone. I turned to him, his face showed nothing but fear, yet he plastered a fake smile on his face as if he was trying to convince me all is well.

I looked up at him and held both his hand, I smiled at him.

"Klaus, there's something wrong. I can sense it. Please tell me, I can handle it." I said, his eyes lowered and was now staring at the ground.

"This was a part of the witches' plan, love. This baby will kill you in the process. The witches believe that if you die, our family will be at its most vulnerable, easier for them to kill us. You weren't supposed to be a part of this Elena; it is my fault for bringing you into this drama... Now, if you die, it will all be my fault. It's my fault that I fell in love with you, thus, you dying in our name." Tears were now rolling down his cheeks, he looked anywhere but at the doppelgangers face. Elena was too, crying, not at the thought of dying, but the thought of how much pain he is in, knowing that if she dies it is his fault.

Her hands found his face, they looked into each other's eyes.

"What's worth dying for, if not love?" Elena whispered, her voice cracked in the process.

"Klaus, we'll figure this out. We always do. I promise you, it will be me and you in the end. No matter how many witches we must kill, all I know is that love can conquer all." She said, she rested her forehead on his.

"I love you, Klaus." She whispered, the tears now falling heavily. He draped his arms around her waist, pulling her toward him. He gently kissed her, the kiss was passionate and full of love. He pulled back, letting his lips linger a while.

"I love you." He replied, their eyes met and with that Klaus had an idea – one he wouldn't let his pregnant girlfriend in on.

"Brother!" Klaus yelled as he pulled away from his girlfriend. Elena turned to see Elijah walking down the staircase.

"My hearing is perfectly well; screaming isn't always an option." He smirked.

"I'll keep that in mind the next time you decide to ignore me." Klaus responded with a smirk, Elena giggled at their comments.

"I have a place I must be, as we are all aware, tomorrow is the thirteenth – meaning, we must be prepared. I will be meeting with a few of my hybrids, assuring them that the guarding must go on. I will only be a few hours, and in that time, I would like you to come up with a plan on how to keep Elena and the child safe. Rest assured, I will be the final judge of the plan. So, don't think of something too, out of the ordinary." Klaus began, smirking as he said the last sentence with pride. He placed a short kiss on Elena's cheek and walked off, leaving his brother and girlfriend alone.

Elena wiped the tears that were stained on her cheeks and stared at Elijah.

"How are you feeling?" Elijah asked, attempting to break the silence.

"I'm fine, I'm probably not even a few weeks." She said, smiling at the thought. Elijah smiled back at her.

"Tomorrow will be dangerous, we're unaware of what may happen but I can assure you that New Orleans witches don't hold back. We must get you as far away from here as possible." Elena's eyes snapped quickly to Elijah's.

"I am not leaving here, knowing that you guys will be in danger!" She said in a slightly louder voice. Elijah nodded.

"Klaus will be going with you. The stronger the protection, the better the safety. We are not risking your life or the child's." He began.

"And with saying that, I'm sure Klaus will agree." He finished, Elena was now infuriated. She was not going to sit back whilst people are risking themselves for the sake of her. It's the last thing she wanted.

"But I don't! You know what, I'm really tired. Wake me once Klaus is back." She said annoyed, she stormed up into her room, shutting the door viciously. Elijah walked into the parlor, drinking his bourbon.

4 hours later

Klaus came back into the house, his face was full of anger and sadness. He walked into the parlor and saw his brother.

"I believe you should take Elena out of the city, take her as far away from here as possible. Start tonight, it'll give you guys a head start." Elijah said, standing up and meeting his brother's gaze.

Klaus sat on the couch, his head in between his hands. Elijah was now worried, he had never seen his brother in this state before.

"You need to take her." Klaus said, looking up at his brother.


This chapter is much longer, so there will be part 1 & 2. Don't worry, this is not the final chapter. Scroll down for part 2 of chapter 18!

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