Chapter 13: Good girl, bad happenings

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The night seemed long and tiring for Elijah, the woman he truly loved - admitting to not wanting him anymore was heartbreaking. Although he knew that Klaus wouldn't let them live their happy lives, he never thought that this would be the reason why. Considering his brother took a leap, and decided not to be selfish - it was a choice that the doppelgänger wasn't in on.

As the clock struck seven he was up and ready. He was in a suit - per usual- he walked downstairs and into the kitchen, ready to prepare breakfast. As he walked in - there was the doppelgänger drinking from a blood bag. He was shocked by the sight, especially for a newborn vampire to be so adjusted to the taste of blood from the bags. She turned to see Elijah and her face widened in guilt.

"Good morning Elena." Elijah stated, before opening the fridge to get another blood bag and pour it into a glass for himself.

"Elijah! Morning." She replied. Her emotions were heightened, meaning that she did feel guilt more deeper than usual. Elijah took the glass and walked into the parlor, leaving Elena to follow.

"Elijah, wait!" She yelled, before placing the blood bag in the bin and running after him. She found him sitting on the lounge drinking from the glass. She stood in front of him, placing her hands in the back pockets of her denim jeans.

"Can I help you, Elena?" Elijah asked politely. Signalling for her to begin to talk.

"About last night - I'm really sorry. I mean, it was unexpected and I just couldn't think properly..." She began, she started pacing on the large carpet. He kept staring at her, knowing that the sire bond is affecting her more than expected.

"Elena-" He was cut out before he could even begin.

"Elijah, I'm sorry!" She said, tears began to pour out of her eyes for an unexpected reason. He placed the glass on the ground and stood up. Taking the emotional doppelgänger into his arms, caressing her shoulders gently. She dug her head into the crook of his neck and let the tears flow from her eyes.

"It's okay. You're okay." He said, trying to comfort her. She hugged him tightly, she knew that if she ever let go of him that she may feel the way she did a minute ago. She felt safe and loved in his arms, that if anything were to happen - she'd be safe with him.

Still in each other's arms - they heard footsteps leading into the parlor, where they were. The footsteps suddenly stopped, Elijah unwrapped his arms from Elena's petite figure and looked to see his younger brother standing there with his arms crossed.

"Brother." Elijah said, staring at his brother. Klaus looked between the doppelgänger and Elijah before he let a word out.

"Brother, May Elena and I have some privacy?" Klaus said, sincerely worried at the state of the girl.

Elijah hesitated but later, after a few minutes of mind battles - he agreed to do so. Leaving his younger brother and the doppelgänger alone.

Klaus walked towards Elena - as she was now placed on the couch, head in her hands. He took a seat beside her and placed a hand on her knee.

"What's the matter, love?" He asked, his voice sounded sincere and his eyes showed it too. She lifted her head from her hands - both their eyes meeting. Her cheeks were tear-stained and her mascara dripped from her eyes. Klaus placed his hand on her cheek - his thumb wiping the tears that fell.

"I feel like I've lost myself, Klaus. I don't feel like myself." She said, the hurt behind her words were traumatic to the Hybrid - knowing that it was his fault that she was in this situation.

"Elena, that's what vampirism is about. Feeling things more intently, the feeling of losing yourself and others around you is only because you're changing. You're stronger, you're faster." His hand found her hand, he joined them together.

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