Chapter 17: The Awakening

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A week later

The past week had been the same usual routine, Elena waking up, making herself a cup of coffee, getting ignored by Elijah, wondering around the city with Rebekah and coming home to find Klaus.

Klaus has been going to "interrogate" some witch about the thirteenth. The whole reason why the doppelganger had fled the small town with the Mikaelsons. The thirteenth was soon approaching, meaning they needed to find out as much information about it as possible.

Today was different. Klaus entered the house, slamming the door – walking fiercely and angrily. Elena shot up from the couch she was sitting in, in the parlor.

"Klaus? What's wrong?" She said, concerned by the state of her newly-decided boyfriend. He looked at her for a brief second and looked away, still walking towards his art room. Elijah was now behind the doppelganger, she turned to ask him if he knew what happened.

"I believe you should go and ask him. The only other time he's been like this, is when he found out that you were still alive after the ritual." And with that, he walked away. Elena was surprised that he had even said anything, but she was getting somewhere.

She thought about how much she had broken him, she knew it had taken a toll on him. But for once, she decided to be selfish, and do what she felt was right by her. She interrupted her thoughts and followed her boyfriend into the art room.

Knock, knock

"You best not come in." His voice sounded annoyed, angry and upset. Elena ignored his plead and walked in. She saw him painting on a blank canvas, his back towards her.

"What happened?" She asked, standing a fair bit away from him. She was nervous and she doesn't know why. He ignored her, she waited for him to speak, but nothing came out.

"Look, Klaus. I don't know what happened, but you're clearly frustrated by it and you need to tell someone before you explode." She said. He turned around and looked at her, with a paintbrush in his hands. His eyes fell to the ground.

"The witches of New Orleans have never liked my family, and for obvious reasons, of course. But they believe that what they have done, with a bit of my help, it will completely ruin us. I don't know how and that's what I want to find out." He said. As she was walking towards him, her vision became blurry and her throat began throbbing. Before she knew it, her body had nearly hit the ground, Klaus caught her just before It had.

And then, everything went black.

Klaus didn't know what just happened, but his girlfriend seemed to be going paler by the second. How could she? She's a vampire? And there it was, her heartbeat which was not very visible when she turned.

"Human?" He questioned angrily.

"Brother! Sister!" He brought the doppelganger into the parlor, carrying her and placing her on the couch. They all rushed in, confused by what they're seeing.

"It's the witches. They've turned her human." Klaus said, annoyed. He stood up and began pacing.

They all stood around, staring at the doppelganger.

"What's all the fuss about?" Kol had said, walking into the parlor with a smirk plastered on his face. Once he saw the state of the doppelganger, and the heartbeat, he knew what had happened."

"Who knocked her up?" Kol said, chuckling. Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah all snapped their eyes to him.

"What do you mean, who knocked her up? She has turned bloody human." Rebekah stated, annoyed at her brother's ignorant comment.

Kol looked back at the doppelganger and placed a hand on her stomach. Klaus' eyes grew.

"It can't be." Klaus gasped. He moved closer, and heard it. The heartbeat wasn't coming from Elena; it was coming from her stomach.

"How is this possible?" Elijah asked, confused, to say the least.

"It has to be the witches." Rebekah began. Klaus was pacing up and down the parlor, looking for answers.

"It will kill her." He said, his eyes were still on the fireplace.

"She's a vampire, her body functions don't work. She will die carrying this- this child." Klaus began.

"The witches have been planning this all along, her dying, coming to New Orleans, being with me, falling pregnant. It has been what they want." Klaus' eyes were now forming tears.

"And they planned for her to fall for you, because your hybrid. You're able to produce children." Rebekah said, Klaus slowly turned his head towards them.

"I want it out of her, now!" Klaus yelled, walking towards her.

With that, Elena awoke. Her eyes snapped to the three figures standing above her.

"Where am I? Where's Klaus?" She asked, she began sitting up and looked at Klaus who was now by her side. Their hands were joined, he knelt.

"Love... There's something I must tell you." Klaus said, he looked at his siblings and they nodded. They all walked out, closing the door behind them.

"Klaus, what's wrong? You're scaring me." She said, she noticed the tears forming in his eyes. She knew what he was about to tell her, wasn't going to be good.

"When I told you that I wanted to figure out what the witches have planned? Well, I know." He said, his eyes couldn't find hers. It was as if he was scared to tell her.

"Hey, look at me." She said, she placed her hand on his chin and directed it towards her. His eyes found hers, there was so much love shown in both their eyes. He relaxed now, he wasn't as tense. His eyes showed that too.

"Whatever it is, we'll get through it. I promise you." She said, placing a short but meaningful kiss on his lips. She pulled back and looked at him.

"Now what is it?" She said, smiling. Klaus used his free hand and placed it on the doppelgangers stomach.

"Listen closely." He whispered to her. As she did, she began to hear the small heartbeat coming from her stomach. Klaus was looking at her, trying to figure out her expression.

"I-I'm pregnant?" She said, a tear fell from her eyes. And a small smile was placed on her. She grabbed Klaus into a hug.

"I love you, Klaus. So much." His heart stopped and in that second, everything seemed to be perfect.


Hey guys! So much shock and drama! Please tell me what you think :) 

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