Chapter 14 - Birthday Puppy Love

Start from the beginning

Tobias looks and me, and presses his nose against my hand. I didn't realize that my hand was still on the bars of his cage. Tobias sniffs my hand and then licks it.

"You know, when a puppy licks your hand, that means it's giving you a kiss." I turn to see Mr. Thomas talking to me. "You like this one, huh? Does he have a name?"

"Tobias. Toby for short." I say with a smile.

"Tobias, huh?" Mr. Thomas looks at the information sheet. "An albino? That's cool. Do you know what an albino is, Y/N?"

I shake my head.

"An albino can be an animal or human that lacks pigment, which basically means that they have extremely pale or white colouring." Mr. Thomas explains. "German Shepards usually have black and brown fur, but this one has all white fur. Albinos are very rare, they almost never happen, so this is a really cool experience."

"Awesome!" I say excitedly.

"Excuse me, ma'am?" Mr. Thomas calls over one of the ladies who works at the Humane Society.

"Yes, sir? Is there something you need help with?" The lady responds.

"We would like to adopt this puppy." He says.

"Oh! You want to adopt Tobias? Excellent!" The lady picks up Tobias' cage and takes it over to the register so we can buy him.

I look over at a little shelf next to the register. There are many different leashes and collars on it. I look at a collar that is (F/C) (favourite colour) and black next to a matching leash. The leash is one where you can adjust the length, and it also has a dispenser for plastic bags. I look over and see a basket full of dog toys. I also find a bone chew toy that matches both the collar and leash.

I pull on Mr. Thomas' shirt.

"Hmm? What is it, kiddo?" He asks.

I show him the collar, leash, and chew toy set that I found.

"Oh, you like those, huh? Okay!" Mr. Thomas turns his attention to the lady behind the register. "Could we purchase these as well, ma'am?"

"Of course, sir!" The lady then rings Mr. Thomas up. We also find a food dish that is (F/C) and black, as well as some dog food. After Thomas buys Tobias and the other items, we walk over to this dog tag maker. Mr. Thomas picks me up so I can see the screen. I go through and pick out a silver dog tag in the shape of a bone with Tobias' name on it. We also put Mr. Thomas' phone number on it just in case.

The machine dispenses our new dog tag. Mr. Thomas lets me put the dog tag on Tobias' new collar. Then I open the door on Tobias' cage. He walks out and sits in front of me. I put his collar on and attach the leash.

"Do you want to hold onto the leash?" Mr. Thomas asks.

I nod.

"Okay, you lead the way."

~time skip~

"We're home!" Mr. Thomas yells as we open the door.

"Oh. My. GOSH!" Mr. Patton immediately rushes over to the door. "He's so fluffy and cute!"

"Woah, Pat, calm down. You don't want to scare the puppy." Mr. Virgil says, appearing out of nowhere. "So, what's his name, kiddo?"

"Tobias," I reply.

"Woah. Cool name." Mr. Virgil says.

I take off Tobias' leash and let him roam around the house. I hang his leash on the coat rack. Tobias starts to look around. I start walking up to my room, and he starts following me.

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