1. Where you meet him

Start from the beginning

"You got a point, I didn't think about that. Its just this is my first time dabbling with dye, so I don't want to mess it up," you said.

"Well if you wouldn't mind hanging out with a total stranger, you can come to my place and I can help. Afterwards we can eat pizza and watch movies, yeah?" He said slyly and smiled when you laughed.

"You know what, yeah, I'd like that. Oh and I love how you snuck in that 'date' part. Oh, by the way, I'm (Y/N)," You said.

"I'm Michael, and I knew you would love that", then he clapped his hands together,"so should we get this and get going, I really want some pizza."

"Yeah but what about my hair?" you asked.

He got close and whispered in your ear,"We'll get to that eventually."


"Come on Brazil!!" You shouted from where you sat in the arena.

You were watching the Fifa 2014 World Cup and the score was already 2-1. You were so excited that when you threw your arms up in the air again to cheer for Brazil, your hand smacked something hard. Your hand lifted to your mouth as you turned around noticing you hit a very attractive dude in the chest.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry, I just got so excited. I mean who doesn't get excited watching Fifa, and I hit you, which was a total accident, god, I'm so stupid. I'm sorry. Uhmm, I'll shut up now," you said the last part when you finally noticed you were rambling. You looked up at the guy who now had a smile on his face.

"Its totally cool. I know what you mean, Fifa is exciting. I'm Calum by the way," he said, with a bit of an accent. Scottish? No...Australian? Maybe..

"(Y/N). But I am really sorry. Is there anything I can do?" You indicated to his chest because you knew it had to hurt. You smacked him pretty hard.

"Hmm..You can come with me to get food after this," he said.

"Uhmm, y-yeah sure," you stuttered and he smiled. His smile grew even wider when he indicated to something behind you.

"Brazil's about to score," he said and you spun around in time to catch sight of the soccer ball landing in Croatia's goal.

You screamed frantically in happiness and was picked up and spun around by Calum.

He pulled back but didn't let you go.

"So how about that food?"


"Cause she's so out of reach, and I'm finding it hard, cause she makes me feel, makes me feel like I tr- HEYY!?!?!" You yelled when someone interfered with you 'dominating' the drums to 5 Seconds of Summer's 'Try Hard' with their gigantic hand clutching your much smaller one.

You weren't supposed to actually play the instruments because you worked there, but no one was around. At least there wasn't anyone around before you actually started.

You glanced up to see hazel eyes and curly dark blonde hair complimented by a red bandana.

You gasped when you realized who it was. Ashton Irwin from 5sos. Then you grew embarrassed because you just were playing his band's song. Horribly.

"I'm sorry, but that was really bad," he said with a giggle, but he wasn't technically being rude because you already knew that, but gosh, he could have said it nicer.

  "I'm sorry I'm not you," you said and got up from behind the drums to walk towards the front of the store. You didn't mean for it to sound so harsh, but you couldn't really take it back now. Suddenly, you were stopped by a hand gripping your wrist.

"I didn't mean it like that, I mean I can show you how to do it better. If it makes you feel better you have a really pretty face, I uhh, mean voice,"he said and you both giggled.

  "Thanks, but I have to work," you said.

"But no ones around. I'm Ash-" you cut him off.

"Ashton Irwin. Drummer for 5 Seconds of Summer. You're really good by the way. Oh I'm (Y/N)," you said. He seemed shocked but impressed.

"Yeah, that's me. So the drums?"

"I don't know-" he didn't let you finish that sentence, just turned you back to the drums.

"Its really not that hard. Just stick with me and you'll get it," he said and handed you some drumsticks.

  "Okay," you said, but you sensed the double meaning to that.

  "I mean it. So ,um, when does your shift end?"


Not sure how I feel about those. But whatevs-_-

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