[Chapter 14] Hide and Seek

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No one heard Rachael's plea for help. She knew it and she knew she didn't have long to try and save the YouTuber's life. She turned around and pointed at Joey, "Go in the back. Get whatever you can."

He nodded his head in understanding and began to crawl to the back room. Rachael looked back down at Anthony who was curled up in pain. "Don't die on me," She murmured as the pain in her chest got worse. Just then, the door flew open. Anthony and Rachael both looked back and saw Felix standing in the doorway.

"Felix," Rachael mumbled under her breath as she tried to get to her feet. She held onto Joey's bed for support, "What are you doing here?"

He smirked, "Is this where you've been hiding?" He questioned as he stepped into the the infirmary.

"I wouldn't say it's hiding," She growled in response.

"Then what would you say it is?" He interrogated. She stared at him blankly, keeping her mouth shut. "Fine, that doesn't really matter. What matters is I have you need." He pulled out two syringes. One for Rachael and one for Anthony. "They'll heal you completely. You'll feel better than you did the day you arrived."

"What do we have to do in return?" Anthony inquired, gathering all his strength to sit up on his elbows.

"Nothing," He replied, uncapping the syringes and throwing the caps to the side, "This is a gift, from me to you." His smirk grew even wider. What he was keeping from them was that the liquid in the syringes wouldn't just make them feel better than they did coming into Camp YouTube, it would also put them in a trance, a trance that would allow Felix to control their thoughts and actions.

Anthony screamed in pain. Rachael looked down at him worriedly. Felix placed his hand on her shoulder, she looked up at him. "Let me administer them. This will help you and him. And I know you want him to live." He told her in a soft and caring way, quite in contrast to his true intentions.

She nodded her head as Felix walked around to Anthony's bedside and sat down. Felix tapped the syringe and squeezed a little out before injecting the needle into Anthony's neck. Anthony quickly became sedated. Felix leaned down and whispered into Anthony's ear, "You're no longer a camper. You're on my side. You're going to help me fulfill my plan - help me kill all of these fucking YouTubers. In return, you'll be spared. Okay? Okay."

Felix stood up and looked over at the adviser, a wicked smile growing on his face, "Are you ready?"

"I...I don't know, Felix," Rachael murmured, crossing her arms over her chest. She overheard what Felix had told Anthony.

"Come on..." Felix persuaded, approaching her, "You want to feel better, right?" Before Rachael could have any say, Felix jabbed the needle into her neck. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she fell into Felix's arms. He leaned down and told her the same thing he told Anthony. He laid her down on the bed and smirked, turning around and walking out.

Just as the door was closed behind Felix, Joey crawled back out from the back room, "Rachael, I didn't..." He noticed Rachael and Anthony both sound asleep. But that's not what he thought. He didn't know about Felix's arrival. He didn't hear him because he had been talking to himself as he tried to determine what would help Rachael and Anthony. His first conclusion was that they both died. "Oh my god!" He screamed.


Morning had arrived at the camp and the campers were woken up with the usual announcement that they had another challenge. Everyone dragged themselves to the mess hall, where they were directed, and saw thirteen sets of paintball apparel neatly folded on a table along the stage - vests, shorts, elbow pads, knee pads.

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