Dragon's Bride Part 2 Summer

Start from the beginning

"Yes dragon I did. It's so beautiful and it's really sweet that you thought of me." I told him honestly he cupped my apple like cheeks with his large hands and spoke to me.

"Darling my dark angel I'm always gonna think of you. You're my bride I love you so much I promise I'm gonna do my best to make you happy. Every marriage has trails and tribulations but I promise I will make you happy and try to be a good husband for you my dark angel I love you." Draco told me my eyes watered with what he said and he's right every couple has issues and troubles with marriage but we will try our best to make ours work I spoke to Draco.

"Is my daddy back yet Draco?" I asked filling the silence between us Draco sighed and answered me.

"My dark angel he told me to tell you he'd be along shortly. My mother and my Aunt Bella wanted a few words with him at Spinners End once he's done talking with them he's coming right over here. Fathers here and wants a few words with you and I but Snape wanted me to tell you that he loves you." Draco told me I gave a smile I'm the light in my daddy's life and his eyes. I hugged my husband I breathed in his wonderful scent. His scent smells nice I could never get tired of my husbands scent. I went shopping with my mother in law Narcissa earlier this week and bought two sexy teddy lingeries. They are nice and sexy teddies I couldn't deny that aspect of them they are both Slytherin green and have kinda a sheer shine to them.

One I'm leaving Slytherin green the other one I'm transfiguring it into a snake print pattern. Draco and I have made love four more times since the bonding but tonight's a special night it's our one month anniversary. I heard footsteps coming it was one set though it had to be my father in law Lucius Malfoy. The footsteps drew closer and closer and standing in front of us in plain view was Lucius Malfoy himself. His long blond hair was down shaping his face he was dressed in his black suit like Draco is. His grey eyes looked upon us and gave a little smile he had his signature cane with him it was a black cane with a silver snake on it he laid it in the corner by the doorway and came further into the room he sat down in the soft black leather chair. I got up from my chair so dragon can sit down. Dragon sat down and I sat down and settled into his lap Lucius cleared his throat and spoke to us.

"First off my dear I'm grateful that you are my daughter in law. You're beautiful and I've always liked you." Lucius told me I smiled at him and spoke to him.

"Thank you Lucius." I told him graciously Lucius gave me a smile he had a small black box in his hand and spoke to me.

"My dear I had this made for you when Severus Narcissa and I betrothed you and Draco." Lucius told me handing me the small box. I took it and opened the box inside was the Malfoy family ring. It was a beautiful ring the band was silver the stone in the middle was mother of pearl in the middle of the stone was a giant green M for Malfoy and on the sides was black and green dragons surrounding the M. I spoke to Lucius.

"Thank you Lucius it's a beautiful ring I promise to take good care of it." I told him Lucius nodded at me and spoke to me.

"That's the one thing Severus always wanted from you and that was to take care of your own belongings and you have done so. I know you'll live up to the promise my dear girl. Now Draco Severus never did spoil his own daughter like most fathers do. Now he told me that Natasha doesn't like it when you spend so much money on her cause Severus was teaching her the value of a galleon. So when you buy her something try not to go overboard with your spending my son she will appreciate it but will scold you for it. Now then son Natasha's feelings do get hurt easily so should you two ever have a fight or argument do try to be careful with your wording. Granted forgiveness helps heal but words can linger on forever. Severus learned that fact the hard way with the Evans girl so son try not to hurt her feelings hmm?" Lucius said to Draco. Draco nodded I do tend to get my feelings hurt easily my father says its because I'm too emotional for my own good Draco spoke to his father.

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