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After a long fight againist the Empire, finally Lothal was freedom from Empire. People shouted happily and clapped hands for the rebels.

Everybody happy that they did it bet the Empire but they miss someone who was to be hero, Ezra. He sacrificed himself for his home and the people. He dissappeared with Thrawn through the hyperspace.

Not just that, he made his final messenge for his new family, Ghost crew. Ghost crew was touched at his messenge, including Sabine. She was only one who helped Ezra to doing his own mission.

She just looked at Ezra's room. She remembered that she painted him and Zeb there. But then she saw a journey on the table.

She looked closerly and took it. That journey was she giving to Ezra after she back to her family. She opened the journey and read it 'I know I can always count on you' She didn't know what was Ezra mean then she opened the next page.

She saw the drawing of Ezra and his crew were standing between loth-wolves. She touched the page as she imaged that Ezra still here. She knew how much Ezra love his home.

Then she started thinking "I think Ezra is counting on me to protect Lothal." Then she went outside and saw people who still shouted happily.

She still remembered Ezra's favorite song when he still join with her crew, A Million Dreams.

She love that moment when she and Ezra sang together as he played his guitar. She smiled at the time. Sunddenly loth-cats came to her and stood beside her.

Sabine rubbed one of loth-cats' cheek and that Loth-cat smiled wider at her. She touched her necklace that Ezra gave to her.


Sabine and Ezra MomentsWhere stories live. Discover now