Day 30

70 4 0

Your definition of love

It's infinte anyone and anything can love


Your definition of love

Love is some crazy thing and it makes you do crazy things. But no is no, and if you don't want something be loud and clear


Your definition of love

Well this is a vague question, there are lots of types of love but let's look at loving a partner and loving a friend.

Partner, you are in love with them. You feel most moments you spend with them are fantastic and you want to be around them as much as possible.

Friend, you love them. You also enjoy spending time with them but seeing them once regularly or just calling with them is enough to make you happy.

I am really bad with seperating the two, more like, do I like being with someone. Or do I like the idea of being with someone and them giving me attention?

Childhood trauma is great :')


Your definition of love

You do you kiddo, if it makes you happy (and it's legal) then be happy


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