Day 28

50 5 1

A letter to everyone

Dear everyone,

Hi! I'm that one girl that is quiet most of the day in class but when the teacher ask for an answer I'll probably raise my hand. That's a moment people hear me, and I find it incredebly scary. I don't like to be in the spotlight, because I'm just akward. I don't make friends easily, but I have 3 in my class so that's great... for me, sorry to the people that don't have friends. At the beginning of the year I don't know who to sit with because I don't know anyone and I get stressed about picking a seat because what if they dislike me already without even knowing me. The people out of my class don't like me, probably because they dislike me for my sexuality... Welp I'm very open about since a 2 months ago and I came out to my class about 3 weeks ago, 

One of my best friends and I call me a potato. One of my friends joke around with me about me being a vampire. I do sing really quiet in class. 2 of my classmates Always see me playbacking so they asked me if I could sing for them in Korean. I turned them down because I'm to shy. One of my classmates heard me sing one of Jungkook's parts in not today once at art class. He tried to sound Korean but it were just random sounds. 

I just want to be loved and be more open. I hope you can understand.


A letter to everyone

Dear everyone,

Hi I'm Gary (not actually my name), I am the owner of this account and decided I would come back to this book as I made it 2 years ago and see how much I had changed. It's really fun to see how I changed! And not so fun to see all of the horrible spelling-

Learn to love yourself and be kind yo yourself. Learn to set boundaries and make time for you. Then everything will be okay ^-^.


A letter to everyone

Dear reader,

I do not have any advice to give really. We need to better ourselves every day, and put effort into that.


Dear Reader,

I am tired, please don't ruin your sleep schedule.


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