Day 21

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five ways to win your heart

Accept me for my sexuality, gender and for my personality.

Don't be act against me, be weird with me

Like me for who I am, not what I am.

Know your boundries 

Don't hurt ma family or my friends because I will kill you if you do that...

Just kidding... no but seriously... XD


be a good listener to



Five ways to win my heart

Be Suga__Fox
Care about me
Like BTS
Be on my level of weird


Five ways to win my heart

Being actually funny
Sending me tiktoks, because it means you think of me
Even if you don't understand just listening to me talk about things I like
Being a lesbian


Five ways to win my heart

You can't xoxo

Although, certain people do have petname privilege, and boy do I love them for using them.


The five ways to win my heart are

1. Give me a hot OC to simp over
2. Share food with me
3. Enjoy playing DND
4. Be hot (which is easy cause m a big simp)
5. Make some time for me

-Gary Luca

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