[23] Her Butler, Hurt

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"I take it you're feeling rather well about this entire ordeal?"

The book that hid my visage from Ciel's view lowered and my eyebrow raised, smirk also tugging at the end of my lips in amusement. Of course he would be irritated at the ease our demons were working at.

"Do you doubt both our butlers?" I asked him, glancing back down to continue reading.

Ciel scoffed and shifted in his seat as he bit into his cake once more before replying.

"I'm asking about you."

My eyebrow continued to stay arched and I set down my book on the table besides me. His eye continued to bore into my person until I finally had no choice but to respond to his stupid question.

"I have full confidence and trust in Rodric, as I would expect you would have in Sebastian." I said with a huff, waving over Erin for some more tea. "In any case, Agni's supposed 'Hand of God' will give them both a hearty challenge, don't you think?"

Smiling, Erin poured some lavender tea into my cup, eyes closed in contentment. She was probably fantasizing about all the curry she would eat in a few minutes, no doubt. Eren, Finny and her seemed to be the ones eating every last drop of each meal.

"Do you enjoy the curry?" Ciel asked while his head leaned on the back of his hand in boredom.

I took a small sip and nodded with a small shrug.

"It actually is a bit similar to a dish Salvador used to prepare when I was smaller." I explained, "I remember faintly that my father used to love it, it was called molé--"

The China pot of tea crashed to the ground and its pastel decorated glass scattered everywhere. The scalding hot water that was once safely inside of it was now sprinkled on everything and everyone within a few feet of the accident, including Erin, Lau and myself, leaving us all hissing in pain.

"My Lady I am so terribly sorry," Erin stammered as Mey-Rin rushed over with a cloth damp with water, "I-I..."

I shook my head fiercely and took the cloth from Mey-Rin's hands, yanking Erin forward to dab her blistering hands with the ice cold water and ignoring her continuous apologizes.

"Go to the kitchen and let Rodric tend to these burns." I ordered calmly, wrapping her hands in the cloth.

Mey-Rin placed her own hands gently on Erin's shoulder and began to lead her away, until finally they were both out of the room and gone.

"It would seem that this beautiful pot has lived its last days."

Sighing, I turned to face Lau but was surprised to see that he hadn't spoken, and was calmly dabbing at his own clothes in smiling silence.

However, a new shadow was now bent down besides me, sweeping up the broken shards in a calm and unaffected manner that I almost thought it was Rodric.

"Countess Adelina, I hope you are not in pain?" The voice asked.

The man rose and I blinked.

He was elderly man, with grey hair and a matching mustache. Wearing a monocle, dark suit, white gloves and standing almost a head shorter than Sebastian, I almost couldn't believe it was Tanaka.

His gloved hand extended towards me and I hesitantly reached out, placing my fingers on his palm and allowing him to dab it with a new damp towel.

"Thank you, Tanaka." I said softly, and he smiled warmly.

"Don't thank me, my Lady."

After a few more seconds, he finished and returned my hand to me before walking back over to Ciel, dumping the glass into the trash on his way.

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