[2] Her Butler, Aware

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-| Jack The Ripper Arc |-

A human's natural reaction to shock consists of clear astonishment; an eyebrow raise, a sharp turn of the head and a gasp. Of course, a DelMare is aware of the simple ways to use expressions and is skilled in the arts of mastering one's emotions. I've been trained to easily manipulate these feelings into a more useful and purposeful expression. To my pleasure, it's never failed to give me my desired outcome.

"Of course, only a Phantomhive would be able to keep Lau in check," I praised, my jade eyes blinking in false admiration, "We should have known you were his protector."

Ciel Phantomhive. Earl of the Phantomhive Estate, and the Queen's Guard Dog. A young boy and already with a butler and cane. The shock I felt was most likely towards his automatic cold temperament. He seemed to be full of hate and scorn. This was not who I imagined the Queen's Guard to look like. I expected him to be... taller. And older. Of course, I should not be judging, since I more or less was the same. Young, and reflecting contempt. It would be of my benefit to keep him on my side of acquaintances, and not foes; I made sure that my list of enemies was short and only comprised of certain individuals who have met the high criteria. Nevertheless, I would have to make sure Rodric kept tabs on the Queen's Court. The foolishness I felt for not being aware of my fellow associate's ways would not be allowed to happen again.

"I don't believe we've ever met," Ciel stated bluntly, lifting his cane to adjust on the ground. I pursed my lips. Of course, we hadn't, you twit. I've made an explicit attempt at staying hidden away from the eyes of the Queen's Court. How else would a female advance so highly in ranks, even with a demon butler?

"If I may," Rodric said, stepping in, "My Countess rarely leaves the manor, as she is usually doing much paperwork, I'm sure you can imagine."

Well, that was partially true. I had trouble socializing, but the paperwork never seemed to end either. He was trying to elevate our status again, which was normal. Whenever there was more than one noble in our direct area, he made an effort to place our nobility higher than theirs. His sickly sweet and poisonous words always got the deed done, leaving the other aristocrats at our feet. It was quite amusing to observe actually. Yet... he seemed unaffected.

"Yes, my Master runs into the same problems," Sebastian replied, waving his hand towards Ciel with a small smile. I glanced towards Ciel and was taken aback at what opposite impressions they both had. Sebastian had a very kind expression, seeming to be completely dominated by the young boy. His red eyes seemed to glint with devotion, and with something else I could just not quite place my finger on. Ciel, on the contrary, continued to glare at me, eyebrow arched in a type of threat with both hands atop his cane. I felt myself shift under the intense glare, rolling my eyes at his attempt to use his masculinity against me. Men were always trying to push women down. Unimpressed, I gave Rodric the umbrella, flashing them both a smile and extended my arm gracefully towards my carriage.

"What unfortunate circumstances led to this meet," I told them, not quite certain on how to handle this rather awkward situation. Sebastian suddenly chuckled, and we all turned to him, Ciel using a more aggressive glare than the rest of us. After a moment, Sebastian bowed slowly and placed his hand on his abdomen, portraying the perfect butler pose.

"My Master, I do apologize. It seemed to have slipped my mind to hand you a letter from the Queen, regarding the recent murders of young women," he explained, his smile somehow turning mischievous, "Her Majesty herself has ordered for you to locate her Snake... I now understand what particular Snake she meant."

Before I could react, Ciel swung his cane at Sebastian's torso, missing by an inch as he stepped back leisurely. Sebastian seemed unaffected, just as he had when I had tried to stab him with the tip of the umbrella. He again bowed, and I was sure he had only done so to hide his amused expression.

Kuroshitsuji: The Contract from Birth [Ciel Phantomhive]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat