[9] Her Butler, Hunting

Start from the beginning

"Elizabeth, stay here with Countess Adelina. It's going to be dangerous, understand?" he told her, and Sebastian helped her hop off the horse with a pout. I was about to protest and make a long explanation as to why I could not babysit his porcelain fiancée when he rode off into the woods behind his aunt, leaving me with my mouth open and arm extended. Annoyed, I calmly adjusted myself back on my horse and looked down at Elizabeth, forcing a smile.

"...I'm so relieved. Ciel has finally returned to his old, normal self."

She had her hands clasped to her chest, a dreamy, proud smile etched upon her almost tearful visage. Sebastian was looking off into the distance with her, nodding as she spoke about Ciel, and I couldn't help but blink in realization that she was absolutely right.

"Because Ciel was close to Madame Red, I was worried. I don't want any more unhappy memories to befall Ciel. That's why I stay to cheer him up using my own methods. They don't usually produce the desired effects, though... I tend to overdo things in the process." she said with a happy sigh. Rodric and I shared a glance, the gears turning in our minds. Ciel was a quick-witted, driven and hard-working individual. He would be of more use to expanding the DelMare Company in the future and would be of great service for the operations the Queen would continue to hand out. Two demon butlers were quite the unstoppable team, and if I already noticed that, he must have done the same. The only thing I needed now was a convincing reason for us to join as allies. My mother and father spread our name throughout the country by using artful persuasion, powerful connections, and pure ambition. Not putting into account the soul they sold in order to have Rodric finish any dirty work for them. Ciel Phantomhive would be of more use to me as an ally, not an enemy.

"I'm sure the young Master has always kept your comforts in mind," Sebastian said, kneeling down with Elizabeth's hand in his. As Elizabeth giggled, I took the opportunity to take my horse's reins from Rodric and dash off into the woods, following Ciel's path. The trees and shrubs all looked identical and after a while, I began to feel as though I had gotten lost and wandering in circles. As I was about to try and turn back, something suddenly jumped out of the bushes in front of me and I gasped, yanking back the reins and skidding to a stop only a few inches away from the sudden creature that had appeared. I opened an eye slowly and came to see a dark black-blue horse, which I immediately recognized and scowled.


"Ciel! You frightened me!"

"Frightened you? You're the one that's running around in the middle of the hunting grounds!"

Scowling again, I squinted my eyes at him and rolled my eyes. "Well, you should be more careful. I was looking for you..."
I lowered my voice and huffed. "...Twit..."

Ciel raised an eyebrow and turned his horse so we were right beside each other, obviously curious. "For what? Is Elizabeth alright?"

"Yes, she's with the demons," I told him shaking my head. "The reason I came to find you was because I wanted to make sure that it was mutually known that we're now allies. Not enemies working under the Queen, but associates that can count on one another to finish a job; not matter what that job may be. The Queen's Court has always and should always work together, even if it may be an indirect companionship."

He stayed silent, eyeing me for a moment.

I decided to continue. "If you thought that I was just going to pretend that the Jack the Ripper mission never happened, I'm afraid to say you are mistaken. The death of your dear aunt has set in stone our partnership, whether you agree with it or not. The very knowledge of having demons as butlers is enough to fortify that unspoken contract if you are still not convinced. In any case, one could say that you have no other option."

He chuckled, amused. Now it was my turn to raise an eyebrow.

"You say I don't have any other option, but as you said: We both have demon butlers. I can refuse if I want to," he said with a sly smile. I laughed and took hold of my horse's reins again, shaking my head in disbelief. Honestly, as if he wanted the extra problems that would overcome him for rejecting my proposal.

"Phantomhive, we both know that was the reason for you inviting me over," I said, and he smirked.

"Allies, then."

As per usual, I lifted my hand to him, but before his lips touched the top, a gunshot made us both jolt upright, head spinning to the right.
"That makes a total of 15 animals for you both if I was counting correctly," I mumbled, tilting my head.

Ciel hummed, nodding. "You were... I suggest we head back and find everyone. Maybe I can find another bird or raccoon."

Unfortunately for Ciel, we did not find any other animal, but we did both reach the back of the Manor much quicker than expected, finding both butlers waiting happily for us with a beautifully decorated table topped with a plethora of breakfast goods. Elizabeth was brightly waiting for Ciel, patting the spot next to her enthusiastically. The Marchioness was sitting on the opposite end of the table, tapping her finger on the table in intense agitation.

"Let us conclude this with a draw. What do both of you think?" Sebastian said while serving us our tea once we were all seated. Automatically, Ciel and his aunt glared fiercely at each other, and I quickly intervened, not wanting to go out into the woods any longer with a chirping porcelain doll.
"Why don't you both settle the competition with a nice game of chess?" I offered, smiling nervously.

The glare was cut short and they both glanced at me in consideration.

"Chess it is then," Ciel said smugly, waving his hand to Sebastian. "Get the Countess a nice book, Sebastian. This draw-breaker might take a while."


...My Countess orders, I obey; Anyone who dares interfere, will have Hell to pay...

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