Chapter 13 - The Scary Face

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*Chapter Thirteen – The Scary Face*

I turned over in bed, wrapping the covers tightly around me, and buried my head in my pillow. I didn’t want to have to get up just yet, because getting up meant having to face the actions of my past. The past being yesterday: when I stormed out of Mc Donalds on Peter and Jack like a boss.

I wondered if Peter or Jack had put it on facebook, writing a status about how I walked out on them and how they found it hilarious. Maybe I would be the laughing stock of the internet by now. I wondered if Danielle or Carla knew about it yet. I pondered over their reactions; Carla would probably laugh and when I would tell her to stop, laugh somewhat harder. Danielle’s possible reaction was a little harder to gauge, she may be annoyed that I stalked off instead of staying to see what they wanted, find the whole situation hilarious or feel disappointed that she and her video camera missed the event. What great friends I had!

My mind wandered over the actual date itself.. I knew I was exactly a pro in the dating department but I knew enough to be only a little disappointed when he walked up to McDonalds- for a first date? Way to go on the “making an effort” scale! At least he paid for our food; it simply would have been a poor show of chivalry to make me pay for my own Big Mac! And I suppose it was simply the icing on the cake that Jack and to show up, and ruin what little enjoyment I may have gotten out of the evening. It was nearly like a coincidence… if I didn’t think Peter was that type of person I may have even presumed that Peter had called Jack or something. But I honestly didn’t think he would do that.

I was stuck in my little dream world when I heard my phone beep with a new text message, when I drowsily reached over to my beside table to grab it I saw that I in fact had five new messages. I guessed they were all from Danielle. She was what I called a serial texter – once she didn’t get a reply she would simply start her own monologue of texts until someone would reply to her. And I also guessed that it wouldn’t be Carla as she usually doesn’t wake until late afternoon on the weekends.

As I started to scroll through my messages my suspicions were confirmed – the serial texter had once again assaulted my inbox.  

The messages read;

Hey Sarah, you up?

I’m guessing you are still in bed… get off your lazy ass!

Want to go walking with me?

Are you ignoring me?! :o Is this just because you don’t want to go walking with me? If you don’t text back I’m going to call for you.

You didn’t reply – I’m calling for you.

The last message had been sent just over ten minutes ago so I knew I only I had a minute or two left before she arrived – it wasn’t a long walk between our houses even though she is the biggest dawdler I have seen in my life.

I was bang on the money as exactly three minutes later the doorbell rang. I scrambled down the stairs to answer it, still my pyjamas. At least my hair was half presentable- I had scraped it into a messy bun knowing that Danielle would be highly critical of my bedhead.

As I opened the door to Danielle I realised that I actually didn’t want to go trotting around the area – I wanted to slouch at home doing nothing. Grand and all as that was, Danielle wasn’t known for taking no as an answer.

She almost jumped in horror at my appearance, I guess I had my ‘scary face’ on. My scary face was the term I affectionately called what I looked like after rolling out of bed; wild bush of hair, make-up down giving me panda eyes, red face, pyjamas… the list goes on.

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