Chapter sixteen

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"Honey wake up!"You heard you're mom scream.You quickly opened you're eyes and saw you're mom panicking while shacking you awake."Mom what's wrong?"You asked getting up."Honey you ok?"She looked into you're eyes with worry."Yeah mom su.....What happend?"You looked around and saw that you're eyes were wet."Oh honey I don't now what you dreamed but you just started to cry, at least not loud just loud enough so that I can hear you"You're mom said while giving you a hug."What did you dream?"You kept quite and thought about what you were dreaming but couldn't remember anything."I can't remember."You said as you felt a tear fulling on you're cheek you're mom you a hug.You smiled as you rubbed the tears of you're cheek,you're mom gave you a stressful smile and then stood up and went back to her room.You just sat there thinking of what could've the dream be about. You looked out the window and saw it was morning, you got up made you're bed and did you're morning routine. You're outfit:

 You took you're phone out of the drawer

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You took you're phone out of the drawer. You turned on your phone and unlocked it,As you did so you saw 5 messages from junkook.

Jk:Hi XD

Jk:So are you busy tomorrow?

Jk:Its OK if you are busy.

Jk:I'm sorry if I bothered you.I just wanted to now.

Jk:You don't have to reply,but its OK you probably are busy.

You:Hi sorry I was very tired last night so I came home and went straight to bed,so so sorry.'you waited for 3minetus and Junkook finally replied.

Jk:Oh sorry I thought maybe you were busy watching TV or playing video games.

You:No I was just very tired so I went straight to bed,so about the question.

Jk:oh you don't have to hangout if you don't want to.

You:No its cool I'll love to hangout but first I have to ask Namjoon if I can.

Jk:Cool let me now if we can.

You went out and started to call Namjoon.

Namjoon:"Hi babe what's up?"
You:"So um can me and Junkook hangout today just as friends please?"
Namjoon:"Ok but promise me you'll be home by 8't"
You:" Ok thanks so match love you bye"
Namjoon:"Love you too and remember come to the dorm at 8't"
You:"Yes I promise."
Namjoon:"Ok love you bye."

You ended the call and texted Junkook.

You:Hey I'll see you in 5min.

Jk:Ok cool ilk come pick you up.

You both went offline you crabbed you're purse and went downstairs to the porch.few minutes later junkook arrived you ran and got into the car."Hey!"You said climbing in the car."Hey so you can pock are we are going I have three places in mind,The zoo,The beach or the park?"He said looking deep into you're eyes.They all were good so you stopped and thought for a moment."Umm...let's see mmm,ah this is so hard I think the zoo."You said almost whispering."Ok buckle up."He said as you laughed.You and Junkook talked about people and cities while you guys were driving. As Junkook stop you got out of the car excitedly. Junkook laugh and got out of the car.You guys payed and and enterd the zoo.You guys walked and made jokes,you and Junkook laughed so match that you're stomaches started to hurt.You had an amazing time and completely forgot what Namjoon said.You and Junkook went to the park and sated on a bench while looking at the stars."The stars are beautiful."Junkook said looking at you.You nodded and looked back up at the stars."Ever wonder how its like up there?"You asked as you looked back into Junkooks eyes."Sometimes"He said with a smirk.You felt Junkooks hand on you're cheeck,You looked at him.You saw Junkook move forward towards you.You could've felt he's breath on you're lips.Before he could kiss you,You stopped him and putted you're hand on he's chest.You couldn't kiss him you had Namjoon and you loved Namjoon."Um sorry its just."You said while taking deep breaths."Its ok I'm sorry I just got carried away."Junkook said,you gave him a smile and he smiled back.You guys talked for a moment when you remembered what Namjoon said about coming home at 8.You started to panicked as you jumped up of the bench.You quickly tolled Junkook what Namjoon said.You and Junkook hurried and quickly got in the car.Junkook quickly drove to you're house and dropped you off.You waved goodbye and ran to the porch you opened the door quickly and went inside. Junkook drove to the dorm when you realised that Namjoon said you should go to the dorm.You went upstairs and looked at the ground.As you opened the door you saw Namjoon sitting on you're bed and looking out of the window."So where were you?"He asked as he turned around and looked at you."Namjoon I'm so sorry I forgot and then when I remembers I tried to come as fast as I could.

Namjoon started to laugh and stood up from the bed and walked towards you.You walked backwards but then realised you were against the wall.Namjoon came closer,He was so close that you're noises touched."Never ever  disobey me."Namjoon said with a serious tone."I didn't dis.."Before you could finish Namjoon cutt you're sentence of.He putted he's thumb you're lips as he looked into you're eyes.You're heart beat raced as you stood there.Namjoon gently kissed you on you're neck.He went up to you're jawline and connected you're lips.You felt Namjoons tongue inside you're mouth.You pulled Namjoon closer so that you're body's can touch. Namjoon putted you're legs around he's waist as Namjoon and you're tongue danced.He disconnected you're lips and placed a a kiss on you're neck.He tightens hes grib.For a moment it felt like you're whole world stopped and it was just the two of you. Namjoon putted you down as he took a step back and sated on the bed again facing the window.You went and sitted  behind him(❤😍😘BTS,sorry guys but I just love BTS so match.)You went and witted next to him.Namjoon putted he's hand on yours."I love you y/n,never leave me please."Namjoon said looking into you're eyes.You gave Namjoon a kiss on the head you and namjoon layer back on the bed.You letted you're self fall asleep in Namjoons arms.You loved him so match."I love you too Namjoon and I promise I would never leave you."You and Namjoon went to sleep peacefully.

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